Showing posts with label SSC- Science Previous Year Questions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SSC- Science Previous Year Questions. Show all posts

Thursday 30 August 2018

SSC - Science Questions 28 August 2016" Evening Shift

1. Golden Revolution in India refers to growth of:
1) Militancy in the north-east.
2) Oilseeds production
3) Horticulture
4) Increased importing of gold
2.Water is used in a hot water bag because
1) It is easily available
2) It has high specific gravity
It has high specific heat
4) It is a liquid substance
3. The temperature of a liquid is 32° F. What is its temperature in Celsius scale?
1) 32° C
2) 0° C
3) 100° C
4) 212° C
4. The point where total mass of a body is supposed to be concentrated is known as
1) Dead centre
2) Centre of mass
3) Centre of gravity
4) Centre of motion
5. Which part of brain is also known as "little brain"?
1) Cerebrum
3) Thalamus
4) Hypothalamus
6. Which organism is responsible for alcohol fermentation?
1) Chlorella
2) Yeast
3) Agaricus
4) Puccinia
7. Where do the electrical charges reside in a charged conductor?
1) at the core
2) throughout the body
3) depended upon the nature of the body
4) outer surface of the body
8.The colour of the ocean appears to be blue because the sunlight falling on it is
1) reflected
2) refracted
3) diffracted
9.Global warming is expected to result in
1) Increase in sea level
2) Change in crop pattern
3) Change in coastal line
4) All of these
10.What is the phenomenon which established the transverse nature of light ?
1) Reflection
2) Interference
3) Diffraction
4) Polarisation
11. What is contained in Chlorophyll ?
1) sodium
2) potassium
3) manganese
12.Epigraphy is the study of which of the following ?
1) Coins
2) Inscriptions
3) Temples
4) Birds
13.Why is Carbon Monoxide a pollutant ?
1) Reacts with haemoglobin
2) Makes nervous system inactive
3) It reacts with Oxygen
4) It inhibits glycolysis
15.The biogas used for cooking is a mixture of which of the following ?
1) Carbon dioxide & oxygen
2) Isobutane & propane
3) Methane & carbon monoxide
4) Methane & carbon dioxide
16. Azolla increases soil fertility for ….
1) maize cultivation
2) wheat cultivation
3) barley cultivation
4) rice cultivation
17. What is the name of the device used to convert alternating current into direct current?
1) Ammeter
2) Galvanometer
3) Rectifier
4) Transformer
18.Why does ice covered in sawdust not melt quickly?
1) Sawdust does not allow the air to touch the ice
2) The water is absorbed by sawdust
3) Sawdust is a bad conductor of heat
4) Sawdust is good conductor of heat
19.Which layer of the earth's atmosphere contains the ozone layer?
1) Troposphere
2) Mesosphere
3) Ionosphere
4) Stratosphere
20.Where is the Great Barrier Reef located ?
1) Pacific Ocean
2) Indian Ocean
3) Atlantic Ocean
4) Arctic Ocean

Tuesday 28 August 2018

31 August 2016 SSC Science Questions

1. The largest herbarium of India is located at – Kolkata

2. Temperature of distant luminous bodies can be determined by – Pyrometers

3. Which of the following State has become India's first carbon free State - Himachal Pradesh

4. Energy travels from Sun to Earth through – radiation

5. The transfer of minerals from top soil to subsoil through soil-water is called –Leaching

6. Heat is transmitted from higher temperature to lower temperature through the actual motion of the molecules in – Convection

7. Polio is caused by –Virus

8. Which country is in the process of building the largest single Aperture Radio Telescope – FAST –China

9. In bio fortification technique plant breeders use breeding to overcome – Deficiencies of micronutrients and vitamins

30 August 2016 SSC Science Questions

1. Silver gets corroded due to  Hydrogen Sulphide in air.

2. Which of the following is a radioactive element –Uranium

3. Which of the digestive organs contains acid –Stomach

4. Which of the following fibres is considered as the strongest natural fibre- Ultrastrong spider 
silk is one of the toughest natural fibers known in nature. The light, flexible fiber is five times 
stronger by weight than high-grade steel and extremely stretchy, enlarging to snag incoming insects and other prey.

5. Purpose of an optical filter is to  -transmit or absorb light of different colours

6. Ozone saves the biosphere by absorbing high energy radiations called - Ultraviolet rays (UV)

7. In the absence of the earth's atmosphere, sky would appear- black

8. Silica gel is a - drying agent

9. Biofertilizers convert nitrogen to  -ammonia

29 August 2016 SSC Science Questions

1.Silk worms feed on -Mulberry leave
2.What is the product formed when sodium bicarbonate is heated by- Sodium Carbonate

3.A wide inlet of the sea usually concave in shape, is termed as a- Bay

4.The sexual reproductive organs of aspergillus are- Antheridium and Oogonium

5.Stars twinkle but planets do not twinkle because -   they are nearer to the earth and hence we receive a greater amount of light and therefore minor variations in intensity are not noticeable.

6.Which of the following is true about X-rays –
1)travel with the speed of light
2) Can be reflected or refracted

3) can affect photographic plates
And  Which is not true -  have low penetrating power

6. Which one of the following weeds is effective in controlling water pollution caused by industrial effluents – Parthenium

7. Sullage water is‌‌‌‌ - Waste water released from kitchen

8. The most pure form of carbon is – Anthracite

9. Carbon gives hardness to stainless steel.

10. Phloem is responsible for transport of food and other substances in plants.

11. The washing machine works on the principle of  - Centrifugation.

12. Which lobe of human brain is associated with hearing- temporal lobe.

The brain is divided into distinctive lobes. The temporal lobe is located behind your ears and extends to both sides of the brain. The temporal lobe is involved in vision, memory, sensory input, language, emotion, and comprehension. The temporal lobe processes memories, integrating them with sensations of taste, sound, sight and touch.

13. Activated Charcoal is used to remove colouring matter from pure substances by_Adsorption

14. Lead sulphate - is not soluble in water.

15. Chernobyl disaster is the result of pollution by - Radioactive waste

16. Which of the following caused radioactive pollution along the coast of Kerala – Thorium

17. In mammals, an important role of excretion is played by – Kidneys