Sunday 25 December 2016



The Himalayan Mountains

The Himalayan Mountains are situated on the north of India. Starting from the Pamir in the extreme northwest of India, the mighty Himalayan range extends towards northeast.

It has a length of nearly 2560 kilometres with an average breadth of 240 to 320 kilometres.

The highest peak of the Himalayas is known as Mount Everest with its height being 8848 metres.

It acts as a natural wall and protects the country against the cold arctic winds blowing from Siberia through Central Asia.

This keeps the climate of northern India fairly warm throughout the year. The Himalayan region is mostly inhospitable in winter and generally covered with snow.

It was considered for a long time that the Himalayas stood as a natural barrier to protect India against invasions. But, the passes in the northwest mountains such as the Khyber, Bolan, Kurram and Gomal provided easy routes between India and Central Asia.

These passes are situated in the Hindukush, Sulaiman and Kirthar ranges.

In the north of Kashmir is Karakoram Range. The second highest peak in the world, Mount Godwin Austen is situated here.

This part of the Himalayas and its passes are high and snow-covered in the winter. The Karakoram highway via Gilgit is connected to Central Asia but there was little communication through this route.

In the east, the Himalayas extend up to Assam. The mountains in this region are Pat Koi, Nagai and Lushai ranges. These hills are covered with thick forests due to heavy rains and mostlyremain inhospitable.

The mountains of northeast India is difficult to cross and many parts of this region had remained in relative isolation.

The Indo-Gangetic plain is irrigated by three important rivers, the Ganges, Indus and Brahmaputra

The Punjab plains are benefited by the Indus river system. The literal meaning of
the term ‘Punjab’ is the land of five rivers.

Sind is situated at the lower valley of the Indus. The Indus plain is known for its fertile soil.

The Thar Desert and Aravalli hills are situated in between the Indus and Gangetic plains. (Mount Abu is the highest point (5650 ft.) in the Aravalli hills.)

The Ganges river rises in the Himalayas, flows south and then towards the east.

 The river Yamuna flows almost parallel to the Ganges and then joins it. (The area
between these two rivers is called doab – meaning the land between two rivers.)

The important tributaries of the Ganges are the Gomati, Sarayu, Ghagra and Gandak.

In the east of India, the Ganges plain merges into the plains of Brahmaputra.

Banares, Allahabad, Agra, Delhi and Pataliputra are some of the important cities of the Gangetic plain.

The most important city on the western side of the Gangetic plain is Delhi. Most of the decisive battles of Indian history such as the Kurukshetra, Tarain and Panipat were fought near Delhi.

The Southern Peninsula

The Vindhya and Satpura mountains along with Narmada and the Tapti rivers form the great dividing line between northern and southern India. The plateau to the south of the Vindhya Mountains is known as the Deccan plateau. It consists of volcanic rock, which is different from the northern mountains.

The Deccan plateau is flanked by the Eastern Ghats and  Western Ghats.

The Coramandal Coast stands between the Eastern Ghats and the Bay of Bengal. The Western Ghats runs along the Arabian sea and the lands between these are known as Konkan up to Goa and beyond that as Kanara.

 The southernmost part is known as Malabar Coast. The passes in the Western Ghats like Junnar, Kanheri and Karle linked the trade routes to the western ports. The Deccan plateau acted as a bridge between the north and south India. However, the dense forests in the Vindhya Mountains makes this region isolated from the north.

The Anaimudi is the highest peak in the southern peninsula. Doddapetta is another highest peak in the Western Ghats. The Eastern Ghats are not very high and have several openings caused by the eastward flow of the rivers into the Bay of Bengal. The port cities of Arikkamedu, Mamallapuram and Kaveripattanam were situated on the Coramandal coast.

The word Hind is derived from the Sanskrit term Sindhu, and in course of time the country came to be known as ‘India’ in Greek, and ‘Hind’ in Persian and Arabic languages.


Choose the correct answer.

1.      Alexander of Macedon came to India through -

(a) Deccan Plateau
 (b) Kharakoram range
(c) Swat valley
(d) Aravalli hills

Ans- Swat Valley

2.      The region between two rivers is called

(a) Plateau
(b) Peninsula
(c) Doab
(d) Peak

Ans-  Doab

Fill in the blanks.
1. The river Ganges rises in …….Himalayas
2. The highest peak in the southern peninsula is …… Anaimudi

III. Match the following.

1. Mount Everest              a) Aravalli hills
2. Mount Abu                   b) Kharakoram
3. Doddabetta                   c) Himalayas
4. Godwin Austin             d) Western Ghats

Ans- 1-C,2-A,3-D,4-B

IV. Find out the correct statement. One statement alone is

a) Narmada river runs from east to west. T
b) Kaveri river runs from south to north. F
c) Yamuna river merges with Tapti. F
d) Maha Nadhi river irrigates the Punjab region. F

V. State whether the following statements are true or False.

1. The city of Pataliputra was situated at the confluence of Ganges
with Brahmaputra. False  (The city of Pataliputra was situated at the confluence of Son
river with the Ganges.)
2. The long coast line in the southern peninsula contributed to the growth of maritime trade. T
3. The Palghat Pass is situated on the Western Ghats. T

4. India is a multi-cultural society. T