Saturday 2 July 2016

Classical Dances of India

Andhra Pradesh
·        Image result for Kuchipudi
        Kuchipudi derives its name from the name of a village (Kuchelapuram) of its origin.
·         It closely resembles Bharatnatyam. However, its movements are much faster and style is free.
Tamil Nadu
·        Image result for Bharatanatyam
        Bharatanatyam The earliest exponents of Bharatnatyam were the devadasis (temple dancers) in South India.
·         The technique of Bharatanatyam consists of 64 Principles of coordinated hand, foot, face and body movements which are performed to accompaniment of dance syllables, popularly known as bols.
North India
·         Image result for Kathak
        Kathak The word Kathak is derived from Katha which means story.
·         The Kathak dance goes through a regular format mostly concentrating of rhythm, variously called tathar, paltas, thoras, amad and parans.
·         Image result for Kathakali
        Kathakali  combines music, poetry, mine and drama. This dance-drama is usually performed in the open and usually lasts the whole night.
·         The themes are taken from the Ramayana, the Mahabharata and Hindu mythology.

Image result for Mohiniattam
       M ohiniattam The word ‘mohine’ literally means a maiden who exerts desire or steals the heart of the onlooker.  
·         In format, this is similar to odissi and costumes sober and attractive.

·         It is essentially a solo dance.
·         Image result for Nat-Natin
        Nat-Natin  is one of the important dance of Bihar. It is performed by both Men and Women.
Himachal Pradesh
·         Image result for nati dance
        Nati This dance depicts all the activities involved in sowing the crop and reaping it.
·         Important among the dances of Nati is ‘Losar Shona Chuksom’ which takes its name from Lasai, or the New year.
·         Image result for rouf dance
        Rauf it is the most popular dance in the Kashmir Valley and is restricted only to the women folk.
·         Image result for hattari dance
        Hattari The Hattari dance is doen during harvesting season among the Kodvas of coorg in Mysore
·         Image result for Yakshagana
        Yakshagana It is one of the popular folk dance-drama as it contains a good number of classical and literary elements besides those of many folk and tribal ones.
·         Image result for garhwali dance
        Garhwali The people of Garhwal region of Uttarakhand are fond of dancing, as testified by the several distinct dance forms.
·         The Garhwali dance forms are: Langvir Nritya, Barada Nati, Shotiya and Pandva Nritya etc.
·         Image result for Bihu
        Bihu dance is a folk dance from the Indian state of Asom related to the festival of Bihu.
·         This joyous dance is performed by both young men and women and is-characterized by brisk dance steps, and rapid hand movement.
·         Dancers wear traditionally colourful Assamese clothing.


  1. Thank you for this useful information i was also looking for more information related to Classical Dances Of India and i found this on internet Classical Dances Of India
