She has consistently ranked among the world's 100 most powerful women.
She was born at Tamil Nadu. she is an alumnus of Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Calcutta.
Nooyi joined Pepsi-co in 1994 and by her skills and efforts the company's profit has risen from $2.7 billion to $6.5 billion.
She has received many awards and honors.
In india she has influenced many youngsters specially girls because due to patriarchal society the girls are not allowed to go colleges especially in Rural areas. if we talk about Urban areas it has been improved and now girls can achieve what they want to do.
Our Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi has launched many schemes in past few years to empower the girls in the country. the girls are assets of every nations , Any country where girls are getting Education and freedom to pursue what they want , it's sure that the country will progress.