Showing posts with label History. Show all posts
Showing posts with label History. Show all posts

Thursday 31 January 2019

Indian history basic

Father of history is Herodotus.

Hegel a German philosopher once said that history repeats itself and later this term was repeated  by Karl Marx again.

According to British historian E.H Carr, history is an unending dialogue between past and present.

Christoph Cellarius German historian was the first historian who gave a tripartite division of history that means it includes ancient mediaeval and modern history.

Hindu text includes Shruti and Smriti.

Shruti's are those text which was revealed after hearing from gurus and smritis are those text which was memorized and then delivered.

Shruti text includes Samhitas or  Vedas, brahmanas ,aranyakas and Upanishad.

Smriti text includes vedanga, sutras ,smritis, epic such as Ramayana and Mahabharata and Puran.

Vedas focus more light on religious social and economic life and less light on political life of Aryans.

The best learning of operations is para- Vidya that is spiritual learning.

the aim of life is merging the individual soul in two worlds soul which is known as para -Vidya.

The combine study of brahmanas and upanishads provides historical information from king Parikshit to king bimbisar.

kautilya's Arthashastra was compiled in the 4th century BC it provides not only detailed information regarding the system of administration but also an idea of social and religious life of people of that time.

The best example of earliest historical writing which was given by Raj tharangini ( the stream of kings) which was authored by kalhana in the 12th century a.d. It is the string of biography of kings of Kashmir.

Maharshi Panini authored a steady it is a grammar book.

Patanjali authored mahabhashya which is a basically a commentry book on panis Ashtadhyayi.

Vishakhadatta authored mudra rakshas it is basically a drama book it contains the description of Chandragupta Maurya his prime minister Chanakya and some contemporary kings.

Megasthenes was a Greek ambassador which was sent by seleucus nicator in the court of Chandragupta Maurya.

He authored a book which is called Indica, actually the original book has been lost but later writers like diodorus, strabo, pliny, preserved the passages from the original book and those passages have been collected to give an idea as to what megasthenes think about India.

During the time of Chandragupta II Chinese traveller fa-hien came in India and 399 AD.

During the time of Harshvardhan Chinese traveller hiuen tsang came in India in  629 AD.

He wrote a travel account Si-Yu-ki, he is also known as king or Prince of pilgrims.

Tuesday 14 August 2018

Mughal Terms

The official language of Mughal Empire was Persian.

Books Written by Dara Shukoh-
 Image result for dara shikoh

Majma-ul-Bahrain  -
 (Samudra Sangam Grantha)  the book deals with unity of both Hinduism and Islam.
Sirr-e-Akbar  - 
Dara Shukoh translated the Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita and Yoga-Vasishta into Persian directly from Sanskrit and called it Sirr-e-Akbar (The Great Mystery).

Terms related to Mughal Administration-


Reports on recommendations of pay hikes for staff sent to the emperor.


Daily news report.

Qabzul wasil- 

Bill payments.


Documents on personnel and horses.


 The administrative wing of Hyderabad State.


Order of the emperor.


Order of a member of the royal family.

Orders issued by higher authorities.


 Memorandum containing imperial orders.

Sunday 29 July 2018

World Civilizations

World Civilizations-

1. Mesopotamian Civilization ( Oldest) 

Modern Area- Iraq ( then known as Babylonia, sumer and Assyria High lands)

River Valley - Tigris and Euphrates

2. Egyptian Civilization 

Modern Area- Egypt

River Valley - Nile

3. Harappan Civilization ( Largest) 

Modern Area- India and Pakistan

River Valley - Indus 

4. Chinese Civilization 

Modern Area- China

Modern Area- Huang - He

Thursday 3 August 2017

MCQ- Subject - History

Q.1 The original name of Swami Dayananda Saraswati was ?
(a) Abhi Shankar
(b) Gowri Shankar
(c) Daya Shankar
(d) Mula Shankar

स्वामी दयानंद सरस्वती का मूल नाम क्या था?
() अभि शंकर
(बी) गोवरी शंकर
(सी) दया शंकर
(डी) मुला शंकर
Q.2 A clay model of plough has been found from:
 (a) Banawali
(b) Kalibangan
 (c) Rakhigarhi
(d) Mitathal

मिटटी का बना हुआ मॉडल कहा से पाया गया है:
() बनवाली
(बी) कालीबंगन
(सी) राखीगढ़ी
(डी) मिताथल

Q.3 The staple food of the Vedic Aryan was :
(a) Barley and rice
(b) Rice and pulse
(c) Vegetables and fruits
(d) Milk and its products

वैदिक आर्यन का मुख्य भोजन था:
() जौ और चावल
(बी) चावल और पल्स
 (सी) सब्जियां और फलों
(डी) दूध और उसके उत्पादों

Q.4 Ashtadhyayi was written by :
(a) Panini
b) Katyayan
(c) Vedvyas
(d) Shukadeva

अष्टधायी लिखा गया था:
() पाणिनी
(बी) कातायन
(सी) वेदवीस
(डी) शुक्देव

Q.5 Who among the following is regarded as War God in Rigveda?
 (a) Agni
(b) Indra
(c) Surya
(d) Varuna

ऋग्वेद में निम्नलिखित में से किस भगवान को युद्ध के रूप में  माना जाता है?
() अग्नि
 (बी) इंद्र
(सी) सूर्य
(डी) वरुण

Q.6 The Brahmo Samaj is based on the principle of
(a) Monotheism
(b) Polytheism
(c) Atheism
 (d) Monism

ब्रह्मो समाज किस  सिद्धांत पर आधारित है
() एकेश्वरवाद
 (बी) बहुदेववाद
सी) नास्तिकता
(डी) मोनिस्म

Q.7 The expounder of Yoga philosophy was :
 (a) Patanjali
(b) Shankaracharya
 (c) Jaimini
(d) Gautam

योग दर्शन का व्याख्यात्मक था:
() पतंजलि
(बी) शंकराचार्य
(सी) जमीनी
 (डी) गौतम

Q.8 The words -
satyameva jayate nānṛtaṁ
satyena panthā vitato devayānaḥ
yenākramantyṛṣayo hyāptakāmā
yatra tat satyasya paramaṁ nidhānam
in the state emblem of India have been adopted from which one of the following?
 (a) Mundaka Upnishad
 (b) Katha Upnishad
(c) Mudgala Upnishad
(d) Chhandogya Upnishad

भारत के राज्य के प्रतीक में " सत्यमेव जयते नानृतम् सत्येन पन्था विततो देवयानः येनाक्रमत् मनुष्यो ह्यात्मकामो यत्र तत् सत्यस्य परं निधानं " शब्द को किस उपनिषद से अपनाया गया है ?
 () मुंडका उपनिषद
(बी) कथा उपनिषद
(सी) मुदगला उपनिषद
(डी) छंदोग्य उपनिषद

Q.9 Gautam Buddha attained Mahaparinirvana at
 (a) Kapilvastu
 (b) Kushinagar
(c) Bodhgaya
(d) Rajgriha

गौतम बुद्ध को  महापरिनिर्वाण कहा  प्राप्त हुआ ?
() कपिलवस्तु
(बी) कुशीनगर
(सी) बोधगया
(डी) राजगढ़

Q10. Who was the last ruler of Delhi sultanat?
 (a)Bahadur shah II
 (b)Ibrahim Lodi
 (c)sikandar Lodi
(d)Mubarak shah

दिल्ली सल्तनत  का  आखिरी शासक कौन था?
 () बहादुर शाह द्वितीय
 (बी) इब्राहिम लोदी
(सी) सिक्कर लोदी
(डी) मुबारक शाह

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