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Showing posts with label Polity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Polity. Show all posts
Tuesday, 23 July 2019
Friday, 17 May 2019
Local government is government at the village and district
level. Local government is about government
to the common people.
Constitutional status was accorded to local government
institutions in 1993.
Democracy is about meaningful participation. It is also about
In modern times, elected local government bodies were created
after 1882. Lord Rippon, who was the Viceroy of India at that time, took the
initiative in creating these bodies. They were called the local boards.
Mahatma Gandhi
He strongly pleaded for decentralisation of economic and political
power. He believed that strengthening village panchayats was a means of effective
decentralisation. All development initiatives must have local involvement in order
to be successful.
It was also mentioned in the Directive Principles as one of the
policy directives to all governments
in the country.
Being a part of the Directive Principles of State Policy, this
provision of the Constitution
was non-justiciable and primarily advisory in its nature.
Local governments got a fillip after the 73rd and 74th Constitution
Amendment Acts.
First in the line was the Community Development Programme in
After 1987, a thorough review of the functioning of local government
institutions was initiated. In 1989 the P.K.Thungon Committee recommended
constitutional recognition for the local government bodies.
In 1989, the central government introduced two constitutional amendments.
These amendments aimed at strengthening local governments and ensuring an
element of uniformity in their structure and functioning across the country.
Later in 1992, the 73rd and 74th constitutional amendments were passed by the Parliament.
The 73rd Amendment is about rural local governments (which
are also known as Panchayati Raj Institutions or PRIs).
And the
74th amendment made the provisions relating to urban local government
The 73rd and 74th Amendments came into force
in 1993.
Local government is a ‘State subject‘. States are free to make
their own laws on this subject.
73rd Amendment
Three Tier Structure
All States now have a uniform three tier Panchayati Raj structure.
At the base is the ‘Gram Panchayat‘. A Gram Panchayat covers a village or group
of villages.
The intermediary level is the Mandal (also referred to as Block
or Taluka).
These bodies are called
Mandal or Taluka Panchayats.
The intermediary level body need not be constituted in smaller
At the apex is the Zilla Panchayat
covering the entire rural area of the District.
Gram Sabha
The amendment also made a provision for the mandatory creation
of the Gram Sabha.
The Gram Sabha would
comprise of all the adult members registered as voters in the Panchayat area. Its
role and functions are decided by State legislation.
All the three levels of Panchayati Raj institutions are elected
directly by the people.
The term of each Panchayat body is five years.
If the State government dissolves the Panchayat before the end
of its five year term, fresh elections must be held within six months of such dissolution.
This is an important provision that ensures the existence of
elected local bodies.
One third of the positions in all panchayat institutions are
reserved for women. Reservations for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes are
also provided for at all the three levels, in proportion to their population.
If the States find it necessary, they can also provide for
reservations for the backward castes (OBCs).
It is important to note that these reservations apply not merely
to ordinary members in Panchayats but also
to the positions of Chairpersons or ‘Adhyakshas‘ at all the three levels.
State Election Commissioners
The State government is required to appoint a State Election
Commissioner who would be responsible for
conducting elections to the Panchayati Raj institutions.
State ElectionCommissioner is autonomous like the Election Commissioner
of India.
The State Election Commissioner is an independent officer and is
not linked to nor is this officer under the control of the Election Commission
of India.
State Finance Commission
The State government is also required to appoint a State Finance
Commission once in five years. This Commission would examine the financial
position of the local governments in the State.
74th Amendment
The 74th amendment dealt with urban local bodies or
The Census of India defines an urban area as having:
1. a minimum population of 5000;
(ii) at least 75 per cent of
male working population engaged in non-agricultural occupations and
(iii) a density of
population of at least 400 persons per sq. km. As per the 2001 census, nearly
28% of India’s population lives in urban areas.
The Constitution also mandated the transfer of a list of functions
from the State government to the urban local bodies. These functions have been
listed in the Eleventh Schedule of the Constitution.
The 73rd and 74th amendments have created uniformity
in the structures of Panchayati Raj and Nagarpalika institutions across the country.
The presence of these local institutions is by itself a
significant achievement and would create an atmosphere and platform for people’s
participation in government.
This reservation is also applicable for the positions of
Sarpanch and Adhyaksha,
Local bodies have very little funds of their own. The dependence
of local bodies on the State and central governments for financial support has
greatly eroded their capacity to operate effectively. While rural local bodies
raise 0.24% of the total revenues collected, they account for 4% of the total
expenditure made by the government.
So they earn much less than they spend. That makes them
dependent on those who give them grants.
The independence of India should mean the independence of the
whole of India…Independence must begin at the
bottom. Thus every village will be a republic... It follows therefore
that every village has to be self-sustained and capable of managing its
affairs. In this structure composed of innumerable villages, there will be
everwidening, ever-ascending circles. Life will be a pyramid with the apex
sustained by the bottom .
- Mahatma Gandhi
Friday, 29 March 2019
Saturday, 5 May 2018
Fundamental Duties (मौलिक कर्तव्य)
Added to the Constitution by the 42nd Amendment in 1976.
1 9 76 में 42 वें संशोधन द्वारा संविधान में जोड़ा गया।
By the recommendations of the Swaran Singh Committee.
स्वरन सिंह कमेटी की सिफारिशों से।
Originally - 10 Fundamental duties.
मूल रूप से - 10 मौलिक कर्तव्य
Note- It shall be the duty of every citizen of India.
यह भारत के हर नागरिक का कर्तव्य होगा
1. To abide by the Constitution and respect its ideals and institutions, the National Flag and the National Anthem;
संविधान का पालन करना और इसके आदर्शों और संस्थानों,राष्ट्रीय ध्वज और राष्ट्रीय गान; का सम्मान करना,
2. To cherish and follow the noble ideals which inspired our national struggle for freedom;
1 9 76 में 42 वें संशोधन द्वारा संविधान में जोड़ा गया।
By the recommendations of the Swaran Singh Committee.
स्वरन सिंह कमेटी की सिफारिशों से।
Originally - 10 Fundamental duties.
मूल रूप से - 10 मौलिक कर्तव्य
Note- It shall be the duty of every citizen of India.
यह भारत के हर नागरिक का कर्तव्य होगा
1. To abide by the Constitution and respect its ideals and institutions, the National Flag and the National Anthem;
संविधान का पालन करना और इसके आदर्शों और संस्थानों,राष्ट्रीय ध्वज और राष्ट्रीय गान; का सम्मान करना,
2. To cherish and follow the noble ideals which inspired our national struggle for freedom;
स्वतंत्रता के लिए हमारे राष्ट्रीय आंदोलन को प्रेरित करने वाले उच्च आदर्र्शों को हृदय में संजोए रखे और उनका पालन करे;
3. To uphold and protect the sovereignty, unity and integrity of India;
भारत की संप्रभुता, एकता और अखंडता को बनाए रखने और उसकी रक्षा करन;
4. To defend the country and render national service when called upon to do so;
देश की रक्षा करे और आह्वान किए जाने पर राष्ट्र की सेवा करे;
5. To promote harmony and the spirit of common brotherhood amongst all the people of India transcending religious, linguistic and regional or sectional diversities; to renounce practices derogatory to the dignity of women;
भारत के सभी लोगों में धार्मिक, भाषाई और क्षेत्रीय या विभागीय विविधता से परे सद्भाव और सामान्य भाईचारे की भावना को बढ़ावा देना; महिलाओं की गरिमा के लिए अपमानजनक प्रथाओं को त्यागना;
6. To value and preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture;
हमारी समग्र संस्कृति की समृद्ध विरासत को मूल्यवान और संरक्षित करने के लिए;
7. To protect and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers, wildlife and to have compassion for living creatures;
प्राकृतिक पर्यावरण की, जिसके अंतर्गत वन, झील, नदी और वन्य जीव हैं, रक्षा करे और उसका संवर्धन करे तथा प्राणि मात्र के प्रति दयाभाव रखे;
8. To develop the scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of inquiry and reform;
वैज्ञानिक दृष्टिकोण, मानववाद और ज्ञानार्जन तथा सुधार की भावना का विकास करे;
9. To safeguard public property and to abjure violence;
सार्वजनिक संपत्ति की रक्षा और हिंसा को खत्म करने के लिए;
10. To strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity, so that the nation constantly rises to higher levels of endeavour and achievement;
व्यक्तिगत और सामूहिक गतिविधियों के सभी क्षेत्रों में उत्कर्ष की ओर बढ़ने का सतत प्रयास करे जिससे राष्ट्र निरंतर बढ़ते हुए प्रयत्न और उपलब्धि की नई ऊँचाइयों को छू ले;
At Present 11 Fundamental Duties.
वर्तमान में 11 मौलिक कर्तव्य है
11th were added by - 86 Constitutional Amendments Act 2002.
११बां मौलिक कर्तव्य 86 संशोधन अधिनियम द्वारा जोड़ा गया
११बां मौलिक कर्तव्य इस प्रकार है -
Who is a parent or guardian, to provide opportunities for education to his child, or as the case may be, ward between the age of six to fourteen years.
यदि माता-पिता या संरक्षक है, छह वर्ष से चौदह वर्ष तक की आयु वाले अपने, यथास्थिति, बालक या प्रतिपाल्य के लिए शिक्षा के अवसर प्रदान करे।]
Rest we will cover later ...keep in touch..
Thank you..
Thursday, 20 July 2017
Tuesday, 26 April 2016
Quick Revision
Art- 52 - The president of India.
Art - 53- Executive power of the Union.
Art -54- Election of president.
Art- 55- Manner of election of president.
Art- 61- Impeachment of president.
Art- 72- Power of president to grant pardons.
Art- 123- Power of president to promulgate (एलान अथवा घोषणा) ordinance.
Art- 143- Power of president to consult supreme Court.
The President is the head of Indian States .
He is the first citizen of India and acts as the symbol of unity , integrity and solidarity of the nation.
Dr. Rajendra Prasad (occupied office for two terms)was the first president of india.
Ms. Pratibha Patil is the first female president of India.
The president is not directly elected by the people,but elected by the members of electoral college consisting of:
Art- 52 - The president of India.
Art - 53- Executive power of the Union.
Art -54- Election of president.
Art- 55- Manner of election of president.
Art- 61- Impeachment of president.
Art- 72- Power of president to grant pardons.
Art- 123- Power of president to promulgate (एलान अथवा घोषणा) ordinance.
Art- 143- Power of president to consult supreme Court.
The President is the head of Indian States .
He is the first citizen of India and acts as the symbol of unity , integrity and solidarity of the nation.
Dr. Rajendra Prasad (occupied office for two terms)was the first president of india.
Ms. Pratibha Patil is the first female president of India.
The president is not directly elected by the people,but elected by the members of electoral college consisting of:
- The elected members of the parliament ( both houses).
- The elected members of the legislative assemblies of the states.
- The elected members of the legislative assemblies of the Union territories of Delhi and Puducherry.
Members not participate in the election of president:
- The nominated members of both of the houses of parliament , state legislative assemblies and the members of the legislative assemblies of the Union territories of Delhi and puducherry.
- The elected and nominated members of state legislative councils.
All doubts and disputes in connection with the election of president inquired and settled by Supreme court.
The real executive power is vested in the council of ministers headed by prime minister , president is a only nominal executive.
The indirect election of the president is in harmony (सामांजस्य) with the parliamentary system of government envisaged (परिकल्पित) in the constitution.
It would have been anomalous (असंगत) to have the president elected directly by the people and not given him any real power.
Qualification for Election as president
- He should be citizen of India.
- Age should be 35 year.
- He should not hold of any office of profit under the Union government or any state government.
- He should be qualified for election as the member of the Lok Sabha.
- The Oath of office to the president is administered by the Chief Justice of India and in his absence, the senior most Judge of Supreme Court.
In 2008 , the parliament increased the salary of the president from 50,000 to 1.50 lakh per month.and the pension to 50% of his salary.
The president is entitled to a number of privileges and immunities , he enjoys personal immunity from legal liability for his official acts.
During his official term he is immune from any criminal proceedings, he can not be arrested or imprisoned. however after giving 2 months notice.
President of India may be elected for any numbers of time, But in USA the president can not be elected more than twice.
Dr. Zakir Hussain and Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed, have died during their term of office.
Thursday, 3 March 2016
Important Articles of Constitution of India
Art 3- Formation of new states and alteration of areas, boundaries or names of existing states.
Art 5- Citizenship at the commencement of the constitution.
Art 5- Citizenship at the commencement of the constitution.
Art 14- Equality before Law.
Art 15- Prohibition of discrimination on the grounds of religion, race, caste, sex etc.
Art 15- Prohibition of discrimination on the grounds of religion, race, caste, sex etc.
Art 16- Equality of opportunity in matters of public employment.
Art 17- Abolition of Untouchability.
Art 18- Abolition of titles , military and academic, distinction are how ever exempted. (Government of India introduced Bharat Ratna and Padam shri awards under this article.)
Art 18- Abolition of titles , military and academic, distinction are how ever exempted. (Government of India introduced Bharat Ratna and Padam shri awards under this article.)
Art 19- It guaranties the citizen of India six fundamental freedom.
Art 20- Protection in respect of convection of offences.
Art 21- Protection of life and personal liberty.
Art 21A- Right to Elementary Education. (21क. शिक्षा का अधिकार--राज्य, छह वर्ष से चौदह वर्ष तक की आयु वाले सभी बालकों के लिए निःशुल्क और अनिवार्य शिक्षा देने का ऐसी रीति में, जो राज्य विधि द्वारा, अवधारित करे, उपबंध करेगा।)
Art 22- Protection against arrest and detention in certain cases. ( कुछ दशाओं में गिरपतारी और निरोध से संरक्षण )
Art 22- Protection against arrest and detention in certain cases. ( कुछ दशाओं में गिरपतारी और निरोध से संरक्षण )
Art 24- Prohibition of employment of children in factories.(under the age of 14).( कारखानों आदि में बालकों के नियोजन का प्रतिषेध--चौदह वर्ष से कम आयु के किसी बालक को किसी कारखाने या खान में काम करने के लिए नियोजित नहीं किया जाएगा )
Art 25- Freedom of conscience and free profession , practice and practice of religion. ( अंतःकरण की और धर्म की अबाध रूप से मानने, आचरण और प्रचार करने की स्वतंत्रता )
Art 25- Freedom of conscience and free profession , practice and practice of religion. ( अंतःकरण की और धर्म की अबाध रूप से मानने, आचरण और प्रचार करने की स्वतंत्रता )
Art 26- Freedom of manage of religious affairs. ( धार्मिक कार्यों के प्रबंध की स्वतंत्रता)
Art 27- Freedom as to pay taxes for promotion of any particular religion. ( किसी विशिष्ट धर्म की अभिवृद्धि के लिए करों के संदाय के बारे में स्वतंत्रता)
Art 28- Freedom as to Attendance at religious instructions or religious worship in certain educational institution. (कुछ शिक्षा संस्थाओं में धार्मिक शिक्षा या धार्मिक उपासना में उपस्थित होने के बारे में स्वतंत्रता)
Art 27- Freedom as to pay taxes for promotion of any particular religion. ( किसी विशिष्ट धर्म की अभिवृद्धि के लिए करों के संदाय के बारे में स्वतंत्रता)
Art 28- Freedom as to Attendance at religious instructions or religious worship in certain educational institution. (कुछ शिक्षा संस्थाओं में धार्मिक शिक्षा या धार्मिक उपासना में उपस्थित होने के बारे में स्वतंत्रता)
Art 29- Protection of interest of minorities. ( अल्पसंख्यक-वर्गों के हितों का संरक्षण)
Art 30- Right of minorities to establish and administer educational institutions. ( शिक्षा संस्थाओं की स्थापना और प्रशासन करने का अल्पसंख्यक-वर्गों का अधिकार )
Art 32- Constitutional remedies includes writs.
Art 39A- Equal justice and free legal aid. (समान न्याय और निःशुल्क विधिक सहायता )
Art 39A- Equal justice and free legal aid. (समान न्याय और निःशुल्क विधिक सहायता )
Art 40- Organisation of village panchayats. ( ग्राम पंचायतों का संगठन)
Art 44- Uniform civil code for citizens. ( Goa is the only state in India which has uniform civil code).
Art 45- Provisions for early childhood care and education to children below the age of six year. ( बालकों के लिए निःशुल्क और अनिवार्य शिक्षा का उपबंध )
Art 47- Duty of state to raise the level of nutrition and the standard of living and to improve public health. ( पोषाहार स्तर और जीवन स्तर को ऊँचा करने तथा लोक स्वास्नय का सुधार करने का राज्य का कर्तव्य )
Art 48- Organisation of agriculture and animal husbandry. ( कृषि और पशुपालन का संगठन )
Art 49- Protection of monuments and places and objects of natural importance. ( राष्ट्रीय महत्व के संस्मारकों, स्थानों और वस्तुओं का संरक्षण)
Art 47- Duty of state to raise the level of nutrition and the standard of living and to improve public health. ( पोषाहार स्तर और जीवन स्तर को ऊँचा करने तथा लोक स्वास्नय का सुधार करने का राज्य का कर्तव्य )
Art 48- Organisation of agriculture and animal husbandry. ( कृषि और पशुपालन का संगठन )
Art 49- Protection of monuments and places and objects of natural importance. ( राष्ट्रीय महत्व के संस्मारकों, स्थानों और वस्तुओं का संरक्षण)
Art 50- Separation of judiciary from executive . ( कार्यपालिका से न्यायपालिका का पृथक्करण)
Art 51- Promotion of inter-nation peace and security. ( अंतरराष्ट्रीय शांति और सुरक्षा की अभिवृद्धि)
Art 52- There shall be a president in India.
Art 54- Election of president.
Art 60- Oath by the president.
Art 61- Procedure for the Impeachment of president.
Art 63- The Vice president of India.
Art 64- The Vice president to be ex-officio chairman of the Rajya sabha.
Art 52- There shall be a president in India.
Art 54- Election of president.
Art 60- Oath by the president.
Art 61- Procedure for the Impeachment of president.
Art 63- The Vice president of India.
Art 64- The Vice president to be ex-officio chairman of the Rajya sabha.
Art 72- Power of president to grant pardons etc. and to suspend , remit or commute sentence in certain cases .
Art 74- Council of minister to aid and advise the president.
Art 76- Attorney General of India.
Art 79- There shall be a parliament in India.
Art 80- There shall be Rajya sabha in India.
Art 81- There shall be Lok sabha in India.
Art 83- Duration of House of Parliament.
Art 76- Attorney General of India.
Art 79- There shall be a parliament in India.
Art 80- There shall be Rajya sabha in India.
Art 81- There shall be Lok sabha in India.
Art 83- Duration of House of Parliament.
Art 110- Definition of money bill.
Art 112- Annual financial statement.(Budget).
Art 114- Appropriation bill.
Art 114- Appropriation bill.
Art 123- Power of president to promulgate ordinance during recess of parliament.
Art 124- Establishment of Supreme court.
Art 125- Salaries of judges.
Art 126- Appointment of acting chief justice.
Art 127- Appointment of ad-hoc judges.
Art 124- Establishment of Supreme court.
Art 125- Salaries of judges.
Art 126- Appointment of acting chief justice.
Art 127- Appointment of ad-hoc judges.
Art 143- Power of president to consult supreme court.
Art 148- Comptroller and Auditor General of India.
Art 149- Duties and power of CAG.
Art 148- Comptroller and Auditor General of India.
Art 149- Duties and power of CAG.
Art 155- Appointment of governor.
Art 161- Power of governor to grant pardons.
Art 165- Advocate General of State.
Art 213- Power of governor to promulgate ordinance during recess of state legislature.
Art 214- High Courts for the states.
Art 215- High Court to be court of Record.
Art 226 - Power of High courts to issue certain writs.
Art 233- Appointment of District Judges.
Art 235- Controls over sub-ordinate courts.
Art 239 - Administration of Union territories.
Art 214- High Courts for the states.
Art 215- High Court to be court of Record.
Art 226 - Power of High courts to issue certain writs.
Art 233- Appointment of District Judges.
Art 235- Controls over sub-ordinate courts.
Art 239 - Administration of Union territories.
Art 239AA- Special provisions with respect to Delhi.
Art 243A- Gram Sabha.
Art 243B- Constitution of Panchayats.
Art 243Q- Constitution of Municipalities.
Art 243A- Gram Sabha.
Art 243B- Constitution of Panchayats.
Art 243Q- Constitution of Municipalities.
Art 262- Adjudication of disputes relating to water of inter state river valleys.
Art 266- Consolidated Fund and Public Accounts Fund.
Art 267- Contingency Fund of India.
Art 266- Consolidated Fund and Public Accounts Fund.
Art 267- Contingency Fund of India.
Art 280- Finance commissions.
Art 312- All India Services.
Art 315- UPSC & State PSC.
Art 330- Claimed of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes to service and posts.
Art 338- National Commission for the SC&ST.
Art 343- Official Language for Union.
Art 352- Proclamation of National Emergency.
Art 356- Presidents rule.
Art 360- Provisions as to financial emergency.
Art 361- Protection of President and Governors.
Art 368- Power of parliament to amend constitution and procedure.
Art 370- Temporary provisions with respect to the state of Jammu and kashmir.
Art 371A- Special provisions with respect to the state of Nagaland.
Art 371J- Special Status for Hyderabad & Karnataka region.
Art 377- Provisions as to Comptroller and Auditor General of India.
Saturday, 13 February 2016
First Schedule : List of States & Union Territories
Second Schedule : Salary of President, Governors, Chief Judges, Judges of High Court and Supreme court,Comptroller and Auditor General.
Third Schedule : Forms of Oaths and affirmations.
Fourth Schedule : Allocate seats for each state of India in Rajya Sabha.
FifthSchedule : Administration and control of scheduled areas and tribes.
Sixth Schedule : Provisions for administration of Tribal Area in Asom, Meghalaya, Tripura, Mizoram .
Seventh Schedule : Gives allocation of powers and functions between Union & States. It contains 3 lists
1. Union List (For central Govt) 97 Subjects.
2. States List (Powers of State Govt) 66 subjects
3. Concurrent List (Both Union & States) 47 subjects.
Eighth Schedule : List of 22 languages of India recognized by Constitution
1. Assamese
2. Bengali
3. Gujarati
4. Hindi
5. Kannada
6. Kashmiri
7. Manipuri
8. Malayalam
9. Konkani
10. Marathi
11. Nepali
12. Oriya
13. Punjabi
14. Sanskrit
15. Sindhi
16. Tamil
17. Telugu
18. Urdu
19. Santhali
20. Bodo
21. Maithili
22. Dogri.
Sindhi was added in 1967 by 21 Amendment.
Konkani, Manipuri and Nepali were added in 1992 by 71 amendment.
Santhali,Maithili,Bodo and Dogri were added in 2003 by 92 amendment.
Ninth Schedule : Added by Ist amendment in 1951. Contains acts & orders related to land tenure, land tax,railways, industries.{Right of property not a fundamental right now}
Tenth Schedule : Added by 52nd amendment in 1985. Contains provisions of disqualification of grounds of defection.
Eleventh Schedule : By 73rd amendment in 1992. Contains provisions of Panchayati Raj.
Twelfth Schedule :By 74thamendment in 1992. Contains provisions of Municipal Corporation.
First Schedule : List of States & Union Territories
Second Schedule : Salary of President, Governors, Chief Judges, Judges of High Court and Supreme court,Comptroller and Auditor General.
Third Schedule : Forms of Oaths and affirmations.
Fourth Schedule : Allocate seats for each state of India in Rajya Sabha.
FifthSchedule : Administration and control of scheduled areas and tribes.
Sixth Schedule : Provisions for administration of Tribal Area in Asom, Meghalaya, Tripura, Mizoram .
Seventh Schedule : Gives allocation of powers and functions between Union & States. It contains 3 lists
1. Union List (For central Govt) 97 Subjects.
2. States List (Powers of State Govt) 66 subjects
3. Concurrent List (Both Union & States) 47 subjects.
Eighth Schedule : List of 22 languages of India recognized by Constitution
1. Assamese
2. Bengali
3. Gujarati
4. Hindi
5. Kannada
6. Kashmiri
7. Manipuri
8. Malayalam
9. Konkani
10. Marathi
11. Nepali
12. Oriya
13. Punjabi
14. Sanskrit
15. Sindhi
16. Tamil
17. Telugu
18. Urdu
19. Santhali
20. Bodo
21. Maithili
22. Dogri.
Sindhi was added in 1967 by 21 Amendment.
Konkani, Manipuri and Nepali were added in 1992 by 71 amendment.
Santhali,Maithili,Bodo and Dogri were added in 2003 by 92 amendment.
Ninth Schedule : Added by Ist amendment in 1951. Contains acts & orders related to land tenure, land tax,railways, industries.{Right of property not a fundamental right now}
Tenth Schedule : Added by 52nd amendment in 1985. Contains provisions of disqualification of grounds of defection.
Eleventh Schedule : By 73rd amendment in 1992. Contains provisions of Panchayati Raj.
Twelfth Schedule :By 74thamendment in 1992. Contains provisions of Municipal Corporation.
Tuesday, 9 February 2016
Parts of Indian Constitution
Parts of Indian Constitution
Part I The Union and its territory (Art. 1 to 4)
Part II Citizenship( Art. 5 to 11)
Part III Fundamental Rights (Art. 12 to 35)
Part IV Directive Principles (Art. 36 to 51)
Part IVA Fundamental Duties (Art. 51A)
Part V The Union (Art. 52 to 151)
Part VI The States (Art. 152 to 237)
Part VII Repealed by Const. (7th Amendment) Act, 1956
Part VIII The Union Territories (Art. 239 to 242)
Part IX The Panchayats (Art. 243 to 243O)
Part IXA The Muncipalities (Art. 243P to 243ZG)
Part IXB The Cooperative Societies (Art. 243ZH to 243ZT)
Part X The Scheduled and Tribal Areas (Art. 244 to 244A)
Part XI Relations between the Union and the States (Art. 245 to 263)
Part XII Finance, Property, Contracts and Suits (Art. 264 to 300A)
Part XIII Trade, Commerce and Intercourse within the Territory of India
(Art. 301 to 307)
Part XIV Services under the Union and the States (Art. 308 to 323)
Part XIVA Tribunals (Art. 323A to 323B)
Part XV Elections (Art. 324 to 329A)
Part XVI Special provisions relating to certain classes (Art. 330 to 342)
Part XVII Official Language (Art. 343 to 351)
Part XVIII Emergency Provisions (Art. 352 to 360)
Part XIX Miscellaneous (Art. 361 to 367)
Part XX Amendment of the Constitution (Art. 368)
Part XXI Temporary, Transitional and Special Provisions (Art. 369 to 392)
Part XXII Short title, commencement, authoritative text in Hindi and
repeals (Art. 393 to 395)
Part II Citizenship( Art. 5 to 11)
Part III Fundamental Rights (Art. 12 to 35)
Part IV Directive Principles (Art. 36 to 51)
Part IVA Fundamental Duties (Art. 51A)
Part V The Union (Art. 52 to 151)
Part VI The States (Art. 152 to 237)
Part VII Repealed by Const. (7th Amendment) Act, 1956
Part VIII The Union Territories (Art. 239 to 242)
Part IX The Panchayats (Art. 243 to 243O)
Part IXA The Muncipalities (Art. 243P to 243ZG)
Part IXB The Cooperative Societies (Art. 243ZH to 243ZT)
Part X The Scheduled and Tribal Areas (Art. 244 to 244A)
Part XI Relations between the Union and the States (Art. 245 to 263)
Part XII Finance, Property, Contracts and Suits (Art. 264 to 300A)
Part XIII Trade, Commerce and Intercourse within the Territory of India
(Art. 301 to 307)
Part XIV Services under the Union and the States (Art. 308 to 323)
Part XIVA Tribunals (Art. 323A to 323B)
Part XV Elections (Art. 324 to 329A)
Part XVI Special provisions relating to certain classes (Art. 330 to 342)
Part XVII Official Language (Art. 343 to 351)
Part XVIII Emergency Provisions (Art. 352 to 360)
Part XIX Miscellaneous (Art. 361 to 367)
Part XX Amendment of the Constitution (Art. 368)
Part XXI Temporary, Transitional and Special Provisions (Art. 369 to 392)
Part XXII Short title, commencement, authoritative text in Hindi and
repeals (Art. 393 to 395)
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