Thursday 17 March 2016

Some facts

Tomato is Red due to the presence of Lycopene.
Image result for tomato

Turmeric is Yellow due to presence of Curcumin.
 Image result for turmeric

Colour of Carrot is due to presence of Carotene.
  Image result for carrot

Some times Potato is green due to presence of Solanine .it is a toxin so green potato should not be eaten.
  Image result for green potato

Apple is red due to presence of Anthocynin.
Image result for apple fruit

Papaya is yellow due to presence of caraxanthin.
 Image result for papaya

Beet is dark red due to presence of Betalin.
 Image result for beet

Onion contains Sulfenic acid, due to this tear appears in Eyes.
 Image result for onions

Red colour of Onions is due to presence of  anthocyanidins.

Plants harmones that induced cell division is Kinins.

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