Sunday 7 February 2016

Solar system (सौर्य तंत्र )

                                                           Solar System 

It contains the Family of the Sun . Eight major Planets and one dwarf planet(Pluto), satellites,asteroids,meteors and comets orbit the sun to forms the solar system. 

It is sun  (Photosphere is the bright outer layer of  the sun that emits most of radiation that is visible light the temperature on outer surface of photosphere is about 6000 degree K )which provides the light and heat (Nuclear fusion) to our blue Planet due to this life is possible on Earth.

There are many theories which gives knowledge about its formation.
The Big Bang Theory indicates that the universe began abour 15 billion years ago.
Later i will provide more knowledge about Big Bang .
Inner planets
Mrecury (God of commerce and skill)

Planet nearest to the Earth.
Revolution 87.97 (88) days.
Rotation - 59 days.              
Do not contain any setellite.
Temperature; -173 degree to 427.
Distance from the sun 58 million km.

Venus (The veiled planet,goddes planet)

Considered as Earths twin.
Revolution: 225days.
Rotation: 243 days 
Hottest planet (due to presence of CO2).
Brighest planet.
Morning & Evening star.
Do not contain any satellite .

Earth(The blue planet)

Revolution : 365.25 days.
71% of the earth surface contain water.
Rotation : 23hr.56min.0.4 sec.
The Pacefic Ocean contains the deepest places on earth's surface- the ocean trenches.

Mars (Red Planet ,God of War)

Revolution : 1.88 year.
Rotation: 24.62 hours. 
Due to presence of Iron oxide on its appears Red.
It contain two prominant natural Satellite Phobos (fear), Demos (terror).
Demose is smallest Satellite.
NASA is developing the capabilities needed to send humans 

to an asteroid by 2025 and Mars in the 2030.

Outer Planet

Jupiter (Giant Planet, Rular of gods)

Revolution : 12 years.

Rotation:10 hours.

Biggest Planet in Solar system.

Contained 67 satellite.

Ganymede is biggest of them.


                Saturn ( Ringed Planet, God of Agriculture)

              Revolution: 29.5 years.

              Rotation: 10.23 hr.

             Second largest Planet.

              Around it There are 7 gigantic ball of gases ,composed of Hydrogen and Helium.

   Contains 62 Satellites.  (Titan is biggest of them).

                      Uranus (The Green Planet)

                   Revolution: 84.01 year.

                   Rotation: 17.9hr.

                   First time seen by william herscel in 1781.

                   It has tremendous tilt hence it is called Laying Planet.

                   Venus & Uranus Rotates clockwise.

                    It is the Third Largest Planet.

                    It contain 27 Satellites.

                      Neptune ( A Twin, Green Planet)

                        Revolution: 164.79 years.

                        Rotation; 19.2hr.

                        Discovered by Johan Galle.

                        Contain 14 Satellite.

                             Pluto(A Dwarf Planet- god of death)

                          Revolution: 248 years .

                          Rotation: 6.39hrs.

                           In 2006 The IAU, removed it from the list of Planets.