Sunday 7 February 2016

Biology Introduction & CELL (Biology)


Biology is the branch of Science that deals with study of life.

Greek :(Bios- life, Logos - Study)

Aristotle was the first person to study the animals in detail and he is called the father of Biology.

Biology consists of two branches Zoology and Botany.

Study of Animals - Zoology
Study of Plants- Botany

Founders of some major branches of biology-
Father of BotanyTheophrastus
Father of ZoologyAristotle
Father of BiologyAristotle
Father of Modern BotanyLinnaeus
Father of GeneticsMendel
Father of Modern GeneticsTH Morgan
Father of Peter De-cresenji
Father of EndocrinologyThomas Addison
Father of ImmunologyEdward Jenner
Father of CytologyRobert Hooke
Father of BiodiversityEO Wilson
Father of PalynologyErdtman
Father of MycologyMicheli
Father of Indian ForestrySir Dietrich Brandis
Father of Plant PhysiologyStephan Hales
Father of Gene TherapyAnderson
Father of Indian PaleobotanyBirbal Sahani
Father of Gene TherapyAnderson
Father of Surgery and Plastic SurgerySusruta
Father of AnatomyHerophilus
Father of EthologyKonard Lorentz
Father of CloningIan Willmut
Father of ChemotherapyPaul Ehrlich
Father of EugenicsFrancis Galton
Father of BryologyJohann Hedwig
Father of Indian EcologyR Mishra
Father of MutationHugo De Vries
Father of Indian PhycologyOP Iyengar
Father of Genetic EngineeringPaul Berg
Father of AyurvedaCharka
Father of Polio VaccineJonas Salk
Father of TaxonomyCarolus Linnaeus
Father of EmbryologyAristotle
Father of MicroscopyMarcello Malpighi
Father of Blood CirculationWilliam Harvey
Father of MedicineHippocrates
Father of Blood GroupsKarl Landsteiner
Father of Radiation GeneticsHJ Muller
Father of PalaentologyLeonardo da Vinci
Father of FlistologyFrancis Bichet
Father of DNA Finger PrintingGarrod
Father of ATP CycleLipmann
Father of Stress PhysiologyHans Selye
Father of GerontologyKorenchevsk
Father of BacteriologyRobert Koch
Father of AntibioticsAlexander Fleming
Father of PathologyRudolph Virchow
Father of VirologyWM Stanley
Father of EpidemiologyJohn Snow
Father of Indian Green Revolution MS. Swaminathan
Father of HomeopathyHahnemann
Father of Green RevolutionNorman Borlaug
Major Branches of Biology-

Microbiology- Deals with Microbes
Virology- Deals with Virus
Bacteriology- Bacteria
Mycology- Fungi
Entomology- Insects
Ichthyology- Fishes
Ophiology- Snakes
Herpetology- Reptiles
Phycology- Algae
Arachnology- Spiders
Myrmecology- Ants

                   The Cell (कोशिका)

The Idea , That All animals and plant are consist of structural units was given by Aristotle.(348-322 B.C).

Many centuries later Robert Hooke (1665) used the word Cell.

Later in 1674 Leeuwenhoek also discovered the free cell and observed some organisation with in these cells.

Two Scientists M.I. Schleiden and German Zoologist T.Schwann clearly outlined the basic feature of the cell theory in 1839.

Later R.Virchow in 1858 extended the cell theory and suggested the additional feature that all living cell arises from pre-existing cells.
 later Louis Pastuer, in France gave experimental evidence to support Virchow's extension of the cell theory.

Cell is the basic structural and functional unit of life .
Cell is classified in to two types:

Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic

If we talk about prokaryotic , It lacks a True Nucleus Eg. Bacteria , and Blue green Algae etc
While Eukaryotes included Higher Organism.

In prokaryotes  Organelles Eg. (Nucleus,Mitochondria,endoplasmic reticulum etc) are not found.

But in Eukaryotes it is present.

In prokaryotes the RNA and protein synthesis takes palace in same compartment,

 But in Eukaryotes RNA synthesized in the nucleus ; protein synthesis in cytoplasm.

In Prokaryotes Metabolism Eg. Anaerobic/aerobic.

In Eukaryotes Metabolism is Aerobic.
                           Cell size
Largest cell is Egg of ostrich.
Smallest cell is Mycoplasma (Bacteria).
Longest cell is Nerve cell.
Largest human cell ovum cell.
Smallest human cell is Sperm cell.

        Cell Organelles

Mitochondria is called Power House of cell.

Lysosome is called suicidal bag of cell.

Ribosomes are called protein factory.

when Ribosomes are attached with Rough ER, Protein synthesis takes place.