Tuesday 4 September 2018

SSC -Science 1 September 2016" Set 2

1.Which is the heaviest metal among the following?
2) Silver
3) Iron
4) Copper

10 Heaviest Elements

Sl. No.

2.Which of the following uses the spawn mechanism to duplicate itself ?

1) Trojan horse
3) Keystroke logger
4) Logic bomb

Worms Click here

3.Sun appears red in colour at sunrise and sunset due to

1) the fact that sun emits only red colour at that time 

2) red light having longer wave length scatters away 
3) that sun comes out of the mountains  
4) that all other colours scatter away except red

4.What is the main purpose of white blood corpuscles?
1) to carry nutrients

2) to combat infection 
3) to carry oxygen 
4) to give strength

5. The layer where the decrease in temperature with increasing altitude is totally absent is

1) Troposphere
2) Ionosphere
3) Stratosphere 

4) Mesosphere

6. At hill stations, the boiling point of water will be

1) same as at sea level 

2) less than that at sea level 
3) more than that at sea level
4) equal to the melting point of ice

7. Siderosis is a disease caused by the inhalation of 

1) silica dust
2) iron dust 

3) zinc dust
4) coal dust

8. Which of the following is used as anaesthetics?

1) N2
3) CH4
4) CO2

9.Clove is obtained from 

1) Root
2) Stem
3) Leaves

4) Flower buds
Image result for Clove

10. What is Dakshin Gangotri ?

1) River valley in Andhra Pradesh 

2) Unmanned station located in Antarctica 
3) Second source of River Ganga 
4) Island in the Indian Ocean

11. Japan is called the 'Land of the rising sun' because

1) Sun rises there as soon as it sets
2) Sun always remains in the eastern part of the sky throughout the day in Japan
3) Japan being the Eastern most country in the world, it has the earliest sunrise 

4) The rays of the sun get reflected from the waters of the sea and make the sunrise beautiful in Japan

SSC -Science 1 September 2016" Set 1

1.DOTS is a treatment given to patients suffering from _________ .
1) Polio
3) Hepatitis
4) Tuberculosis

2. Molten rock below the surface of the earth is called __________ .
1) Basalt
2) Laccolith
3) Lava
4) Magma

3.Magnesium is a constituent metal of __________ .
1) Chlorophyll molecule
2) DNA
3) Mitochondria
4) Ribosomes

4. Which one among the following components is used as an amplifying device?
1) Transformer
2) Diode
3) Capacitor
4) Transistor

5. Name the gas used in preparation of bleaching powder
1) Oxygen
2) Hydrogen
3) Nitrogen
4) Chlorine
6. The depletion in Ozone layer is caused by ___________ .
1) Nitrous oxide
2) Carbon dioxide
3) Chlorofluorocarbons
4) Methane
7. Phosphorus is kept in water because
1) its ignition temperature is very high
2) its ignition temperature is very low
3) its critical temperature is high
4) its critical temperature is low

8. The unit of measurement of noise is
1) Decibel
2) Hertz
3) Amplifier
4) Acoustics

9. The commonly used coolant in refrigerators is
1) Ammonia
2) Nitrogen
3) Freon
4) Oxygen

10. The complete form of 'IC' in electronics is
1) Internal circuit
2) Independent circuit
3) Integrated circuit
4) Inbuilt circuit

11. Sea water is saltier than rain water because

1) Sea animals are salt producing
2) The air around the sea is saltish
3) Rivers wash away salts from earth and pour them into the sea
4) Sea beds have salt producing mines

12. Polyploidy arises due to change in the
1) number of chromatids
2) structure of genes
3) number of chromosomes
4) structure of chromosomes

Sunday 2 September 2018


32.   Find the current (in A) when a charge of 500 Coulomb flows in 25 seconds.
(a) 12500
(b) 20
(c) 40
(d) 6250
Answer-  Current = Charge/time
So 500/25 = 20 ampere

35. _________________ is a measure of the moisture in air.
 (a) Density
(b) Viscosity
(c) Impurity
(d) Humidity

38. Which among the following difference between aerobic and anaerobic respiration is INCORRECT?
(a) Aerobic respiration takes place in presence of oxygen.Anaerobic respiration takes place in the absence of oxygen
 (b) In Aerobic respiration pyruvate is broken down into ethanol and carbon dioxide. In Anaerobic respiration pyruvate is broken down into carbon dioxide and water
(c) In Aerobic respiration more energy is released. In Anaerobic respiration less energy is released
(d) Aerobic respiration takes place in mitochondria– Anaerobic respiration takes place in yeast

Explanation –

Aerobic RespirationThis type of respiration which takes place in the presence of oxygen. The aerobic respiration is generally common in all multi cellular organisms like animals, plants, human beings, etc. The end products of aerobic respiration are carbon dioxide and water. It is carried on in two stages call glycolysis and Krebs cycle. It releases more energy.

C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O (glucose + oxygen -> carbon dioxide + water)+ Energy

Anaerobic respiration- It is the type of respiration which is carried out by yeast or muscle cells in the absence of oxygen. The end products of anaerobic respiration are carbon dioxide and ethanol or lactic acid. It helps in fermentation of yeast to produce ethyl alcohol or ethanol in beverage industry. It is also carried on in two stages called glycolysis and fermentation. It releases less energy. It includes  unicellular organisms like bacteria, fungi, protozoa, etc.
Ex- lactobacillus to convert pyruvic acid into lactic acid. this bacteria commonly used for making curd or yogurt.

C6H12O6 -> 2C3H6O3 (Glucose -> Lactic acid)+ Energy

40. Electrons move around the nucleus in _______ motion.
(a) Translatory
(b) Spin
(c) Orbital
(d) Vibrational

41. Which of the following bonds are weakest in nature?
(a) Single bond
(b) Double bond
(c) Triple bond
(d) Hydrogen bond

42. In which industry Potassium Nitrate is used commercially?
(a) Glass Manufacturing
(b) Electroplating
(c) Fire Cracker Manufacturing
(d) Leather Industry

43. What is the common name of CaOCl2?
(a) Plaster of Paris
(b) Baking Soda
(c) Bleaching Powder
(d) Washing Soda

44. Which among the following is the sweetest sugar?
(a) Lactose
(b) Fructose
(c) Maltose
(d) Glucose
45. Wheat is a ______.
(a) Creeper
(b) Herb (Examples: Wheat, paddy, cabbage, grass, coriander, etc. Shrubs: These are bushy and medium- sized plants and they are somewhat bigger than herbs.)
(c) Shrub
(d) Tree

46. Night Blindness is caused by deficiency of which of the following Vitamin?
(a) Vitamin B
(b) Vitamin C
(b) Vitamin K
(d) Vitamin A

SSC -Science 27 August 2016"

1. Companion cells are unique to
1) Bryophytes
2) Pteridophytes
4) Gymnosperms
Exp-  companion cell, a specialized parenchyma cell, located in the phloem of flowering plants and closely associated with the development and function of a sieve-tube element.

2.Which one of the following is an insulator?
1) Copper
3) Mercury
4) Aluminium
EXP- Examples of insulators include plastics, Styrofoam, paper, rubber, glass and dry air.

3.Bubbles of air rise up through liquids due to:
1) Surface tension and adherence
2) viscosity and buoyancy.
3) air current over the liquid and buoyancy
4) Up thrust and surface tension.

4.Zeolite is
1) hydrated ferric oxide
2) hydrated sodium aluminium silicate
3) sodium hexameta phosphate
4) sodium tetra borate
 Image result for zeolite
EXP- any of a large group of minerals consisting of hydrated aluminosilicates of sodium, potassium, calcium, and barium. They can be readily dehydrated and rehydrated, and are used as cation exchangers and molecular sieves.

5.The boiling point of liquids vary as
1) pressure varies
2) temperature varies
3) volume varies
4) density varies

6.The largest source of pollution in the world is
1) herbicides and insecticides
2) Automobile exhausts
3) Sewage and garbage
4) Industrial effluents

7 .Lacrymal glands are situated in the
1) Palms
2) Buccal cavity
3) Eye orbit
4) StomacImage result for Lacrimal glandsh

8. The most extensive use of molasses after fermentation is for producing
1) Methanol
2) Sugar
4) Sugarcane

9. Acid rain is caused due to pollution of atmosphere by
1) oxides of nitrogen and sulphur
2) oxides of nitrogen and phosphorous
3) oxides of carbon and nitrogen
4) oxides of nitrogen and methane

10.Why the Earth is having its own atmosphere ?
1) Winds
2) Clouds
3) Gravity
4) Rotation of the Earth
11.Which enzyme is present in all members of the animal kingdom except Protozoa?
1) Insulin
2) Pepsin
3) Renin
4) Amylase
12.At boiling point of liquids , its
1) Temperature increases
2) Atmospheric pressure increases
3) Temperature remains constant
4) Vapour pressure decreases
13.A level of atmosphere which is composed partly of electrons and positive ions is called
1) Troposphere
2) Ionosphere
3) Stratosphere
4) Mesosphere
14. The most serious air pollutant causing health hazard is
1) Sulphur dioxide
2) Carbon monoxide
3) Ozone
4) Nitrogen oxide
Exp- It is a toxic gas with a burnt match smell. It is released naturally by volcanic activity and is produced as a by-product of the burning of fossil fuels contaminated with sulfur compounds.
the most significant being the atmosphere of Venus, where it is the third-most significant atmospheric gas at 150 ppm.

15. Helium is added to the oxygen supply of deep sea divers because it is _________
1) less poisonous than nitrogen
2) Lighter than nitrogen
3) Readily miscible with oxygen
4) less soluble in blood than nitrogen at high pressure
Exp- All other gases start dissolving in blood, causing weird effects
Note - Do astronauts breathe pure oxygen?
This means that the suits are filled with oxygen. Once in their suits, astronauts breathe pure oxygen for a few hours. Breathing only oxygen gets rid of all the nitrogen in an astronaut's body. If they didn't get rid of the nitrogen, the astronauts might get gas bubbles in their body when they walked in space.
16. Terylene is a condensation polymer of ethylene glycol and which acid?
1) Benzoic Acid
2) Salicylic acid
3) Phthalic acid
4) Terephthalic acid
Exp- Terephthalic acid white solid is a commodity chemical, used principally as a precursor to the polyester PET, used to make clothing and plastic bottles.
On a clean glass plate a drop of water spreads to form a thin layer whereas a drop of

17. mercury remains almost spherical because ________
1) Mercury is a metal
2) Density of mercury is greater than that of water
3) Cohesion of mercury is greater than its adhesion with glass
4) Cohesion of water is greater than its adhesion with glass

Adhesion: Water is attracted to other substances.
Cohesion: Water is attracted to water (cohesion describes particles that are the same and tend to stick together)

Density of mercury is greater than that of water

Mercury has a density of 13.6 grams per centimetre squared. Thus, within the same volume, mercury has more mass than water.

But See what question has asked..