Sunday 2 September 2018


32.   Find the current (in A) when a charge of 500 Coulomb flows in 25 seconds.
(a) 12500
(b) 20
(c) 40
(d) 6250
Answer-  Current = Charge/time
So 500/25 = 20 ampere

35. _________________ is a measure of the moisture in air.
 (a) Density
(b) Viscosity
(c) Impurity
(d) Humidity

38. Which among the following difference between aerobic and anaerobic respiration is INCORRECT?
(a) Aerobic respiration takes place in presence of oxygen.Anaerobic respiration takes place in the absence of oxygen
 (b) In Aerobic respiration pyruvate is broken down into ethanol and carbon dioxide. In Anaerobic respiration pyruvate is broken down into carbon dioxide and water
(c) In Aerobic respiration more energy is released. In Anaerobic respiration less energy is released
(d) Aerobic respiration takes place in mitochondria– Anaerobic respiration takes place in yeast

Explanation –

Aerobic RespirationThis type of respiration which takes place in the presence of oxygen. The aerobic respiration is generally common in all multi cellular organisms like animals, plants, human beings, etc. The end products of aerobic respiration are carbon dioxide and water. It is carried on in two stages call glycolysis and Krebs cycle. It releases more energy.

C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O (glucose + oxygen -> carbon dioxide + water)+ Energy

Anaerobic respiration- It is the type of respiration which is carried out by yeast or muscle cells in the absence of oxygen. The end products of anaerobic respiration are carbon dioxide and ethanol or lactic acid. It helps in fermentation of yeast to produce ethyl alcohol or ethanol in beverage industry. It is also carried on in two stages called glycolysis and fermentation. It releases less energy. It includes  unicellular organisms like bacteria, fungi, protozoa, etc.
Ex- lactobacillus to convert pyruvic acid into lactic acid. this bacteria commonly used for making curd or yogurt.

C6H12O6 -> 2C3H6O3 (Glucose -> Lactic acid)+ Energy

40. Electrons move around the nucleus in _______ motion.
(a) Translatory
(b) Spin
(c) Orbital
(d) Vibrational

41. Which of the following bonds are weakest in nature?
(a) Single bond
(b) Double bond
(c) Triple bond
(d) Hydrogen bond

42. In which industry Potassium Nitrate is used commercially?
(a) Glass Manufacturing
(b) Electroplating
(c) Fire Cracker Manufacturing
(d) Leather Industry

43. What is the common name of CaOCl2?
(a) Plaster of Paris
(b) Baking Soda
(c) Bleaching Powder
(d) Washing Soda

44. Which among the following is the sweetest sugar?
(a) Lactose
(b) Fructose
(c) Maltose
(d) Glucose
45. Wheat is a ______.
(a) Creeper
(b) Herb (Examples: Wheat, paddy, cabbage, grass, coriander, etc. Shrubs: These are bushy and medium- sized plants and they are somewhat bigger than herbs.)
(c) Shrub
(d) Tree

46. Night Blindness is caused by deficiency of which of the following Vitamin?
(a) Vitamin B
(b) Vitamin C
(b) Vitamin K
(d) Vitamin A

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