Friday 3 August 2018

What is Oxytocin Hormone, where it is produced and what are the uses of this hormone?

Oxytocin is produced in the hypothalamus and is secreted into the bloodstream by the posterior pituitary gland. Because Hormones release into Blood Stream and Enzymes release through ducts.

Oxytocin is also known as hug hormone, cuddle chemical, moral molecule, and the bliss hormone , because of its role. this hormone also involves in the Love, and Female reproductive Functions. Such as - Childbirth and Breast-feeding.

Why in News?

Many Companies are manufacturing this hormone  synthetically and selling at very low cost which is good for a average person.
this hormone is being widely used by doctors in the case of delivery of child.
this hormone is being used in the case - if the bleeding continues after delivery of child because some part of placenta is remain attach with uterus.

Misuse of this hormone-

The hormone is being misused by dairy industry or milk man because the hormone has the ability to lactate milk.

According to research the excessive use of hormone can make cattle infertile , so it is the subject of Concern.


The ban on this hormone is not a solution because it has positive impact on indian womens , every year nearly 45000 womens die due to child birth problems. 
If government ban private companies for manufacturing this hormone this may increase the price of this hormone and also monopoly of manufacturing PSU.

Government make strong regulations instead of banning this hormone.

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