Wednesday 13 July 2016

Q. With the help of suitable examples describe how the gene transfer method and production of transgenic plant save helped in increasing quality and yield in crop plant?


It is biotechnological process that includes transfer of foreign gene into a plant with the help of Genetic engineering techniques for human welfare is know as transgenic plant , transgenic plants are unique in that they develop only one plant cell in normal sexual reproduction, plant offspring is created when a pollen cell and ovule fuse.
Gene transfer Methods by Genetic Engineering Techniques –

1.       Vector – mediated transformation
2.       Particle mediated transformation
3.       Direct DNA absorption

In Vector mediated process, a plant cell is infected with a virus or bacterium that, as part of the infection process, inserts the DNA. In this process the most commonly used vector is the crown gall bacterium based on Ti Plasmid as Agrobacterium tumefaciens.

particle mediated transformation (particle bombardment) –

This method was discovered by ? in 1987, this technique referred as gene gun in which a foreign DNA as gene gun in which a foreign DNA is shooted into the plant cell or tissue at very high speed it is often called micro projective gene transfer techniques by this techniques a foreign DNA can be inserted into the recipient cell.
Direct DNA absorption (Electroporation) in the Direct DNA absorption method an electric shock is usually applied through the solution of the recipient cell and DNA segment to be cloned, this DNA is often accepted by the protoplast due to the increase in the permeability of the cell wall by the effect of current. This process is called electroporation.

Introducing cloned DNA into plant cell, is now routine practice in many laboratories world wides. The main purpose of producing transgenic plant (genetically modified crops) commercial cultivation or are under field trails these plants also have resistant again viruses, Herbicides and can be grown in any climatic condition.

Reduction of photorespiration                                increase efficiency of energy conversion.

Nitrogen fixation                                                      confer ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen to a wider                                                                                     range of species.

Nutritional Value                                                      Improve nutritional value of storage proteins by protein                                                                         engineerings
Storage properties                                                   Extend shelf life of fruits and vegetables and appealing.
Consumer appeal                                                      Make fruit and vegetables more appealing with respect                                                                                        to colour shape, size etc.

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