Tuesday 12 July 2016

Q – How the discovery of electron microscope has helped in better understanding the ultrastructure of the cell?

AnsImage result for electron microscope
In microbiology there is very major role of electron microscope now a days to analyze micro organisms.
Antony van leeuwenhoek discovered simple microscope to observe small micro-organisms.by the help of simple microscope he successfully discovered bacteria, rbc,sperm cells. 
Another scientist Robert hooke made compound microscope . 
If we talk back past centuries the light microscope was the most important instrument for studying micro organism. However even the very best microscope have 0.2 µm resolution limit those days it was very difficult to seen those days it was very difficult to seen virus under light microscope because viruses are too small but prokaryotes con be observed because they are usually only 1 and 2 µm in diameter just their general shape and major morphological features are visible.

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