Tuesday 10 May 2016

First in World

First Space Shuttle launched - Columbia

First University of the World - Taxila

First Cloned human baby - Eve

First Country to Make a Constitution - USA

First Country to host the Modern Olympic Games - Greece

First city to be attacked with Atom Bomb - Heroshima (Japan) 6 - August -1945 during Second World War by USA.

First Women in the world to cross the strait of Gibraltar - Arti Pradhan (India)

First women president of UN General Assembly - Smt VijayaLakshmi pandit (1953)

First man to set foot on the Moon - Niel Armstrong (USA)

First man to reach south pole - Ronald Amundsen

First man to reach North Pole - Robert peary

First women to climb Mount Everest - Junko Tabei (Japan)

First women cosmonaut in space - Valentina Tereshkova (USSR)

First women prime minister of a country - S Bhandarnayake (Sri lanka)

First man to win Nobel prize for Literature - Rene F A and Sulli Pradhan (France)

First man to climb Mount Everest twice - Nawang Gombu

First man to climb Mount Everest - Sherpa Tenzing Norgay and Sir Edmund Hillary 29th May 1953

Eldest man to climb Mount Everest - Richard Wass

First women prime minister of a Muslim Country - Benazir Bhutto (pakistan). 

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