Sunday 14 February 2016

Some Important Facts( Biology)

ü  Longest bone : Femur ( thigh bone) .
Image result for Femur

ü  Smallest bone : Ear ossicle, stapes .
Image result for stapes ear

    Cerebellum is Called Small brain.
Image result for Cerebellum

  •     DOTS (Directly observed treatment, short-course) Treatment is given to Tuberculosis.

  •    Tuberculosis is also called white plague.

ü  Normal BP : 120/80 mm-Hg.

ü  Life span of Rbc : 120 days.

ü  Life span of Wbc : 3-4 days.

ü  Life span of platelets : 8-10 days.

ü  Ph of blood : 7.4 

   Rarest Blood Group - (AB Negative)

ü  Ph of urine : 6

ü  Ph of milk : 6.8

ü  Universal blood donar : O Rh(-).

ü  Universal blood recipient : AB.

ü  Normal body Temperature : 98.4degree F.

ü  Dental formula : adult – 2123/2123= 32 , child : 2120/2120= 22 .

ü  Maximum power of Regeneration : Liver.

ü  Minimum Power of Regeneration : Neuron.

ü  Rate of Breathing  : 12 to 20/ min.

   Infant Breathing : 30 to 60/min.

ü  Weight of Brain : 1400gm.

ü  No. Of Cranial nerves : 12 pairs.

ü  No. Of Spinal Nerves : 31 pairs.

ü  Earth worms Respires through skin so it called cutaneous respiration.

ü  Fish respires through Gills.

ü  Frog respires through both skin &( gills – In Larval stage) .

ü  Largest Fish is shark.

ü  Fish which generates electricity is known as Torpedo.

ü  Largest mammal’s on Earth : Blue whale.

ü  Largest terrestrial on earth : African elephant.

ü  Joker of animal kingdom is called PPLO ( Pleuro pneumonia like organism )

ü  Largest life span in Tortoise (200 years ).

ü  Shortest life span : may (fly 1 day).

ü  Snake poison is called venom, & medicine given after bite is called Anti-venom.

ü  The only snake which makes Nest is King cobra.

ü  The venom may be two types :
 1): Neurotoxic  -  it affects Nervous system (Cobra). And

 2): Chemotoxic – it affects circulatory system( viper & sea snake).

ü  Hydra does not contain blood but respires.

ü  Saffron is obtained from stigma of flower.

ü  Cloves is obtained from buds of flower.

ü  Cinnamon is obtained from the bark of the tree.

ü  Quinine( malarial medicine) is obtained from bark of the cinchona tree.

ü  Dendrology is known as estimation of Age of tree.

ü  Aestivation  - it is called summer sleep by cold blooded animals.

ü  Hibernation- it is called winter sleep by cold blooded animals.

ü  The smell of onion and garlic is due to presence of sulphur compound.

ü  Fructose is found in honey.

ü  Cell was discovered by Robert Hooke.

ü  A prokaryotic cell does not have Nuclear membrane.

ü  The structural proteins found in animals is called Kerotin.

ü  Cellulose is made up of B-glucose units.

ü  The digestive juice which lacks Enzymes is called bile juice.

ü  BCG is used to care Tuberculosis.

ü  Main alkaloid in coffee is Caffeine.

ü  Ruminants are those animals which’s stomach contains four compartments, generally they eat raw materials as Grass, first they eat and later regurgitated and chew it and swallow it. Ex. Cow, Buffalo, dear, cattle, giraffe , camel , goat, sheep etc.

ü  Non Ruminants are those which do not have many compartments as Rumen , they once eat and swallow it .Ex – human, cat ,dog , etc.

Dendron conducts nerve impulses from a synapse to the cell body.

Synapse is a type of junction where nerve impulse passes. 

Striped muscles are also called Skeletal muscles because it helps in movement of skeletal parts. Also some other parts. 

Unstriped muscle: it is a involuntary muscle, which contracts without conscious.

Blood transfusion:  Simply the blood is given to any person during surgery. It was discovered by James blundell. 

The brain and spinal cord are made up of nerve cell and glial tissues. 

Glial: it does not conduct electrical impulse, it helps in support of CNS.

Cyton: basically it is a cell body of nerve cell. (central part of a neuron). 

Axon: it functions out the electrical impulses that  transmits information to muscles. 

Filaria: it is a parasitic rounds worm disease,  which is transmitted by mosquito and caused by wuchereria bancrofti.

Gambians fever: it is caused by the pathogen Trypanosoma gambiense (sleeping sickness). 

Cold blooded: Animals belongs to Amphibian, reptiles and fish..

Calm worms: it is in the phylum of Annelid. 

Basically animal Kingdom is divided into two parts. Vertebrates and Invertebrates.

Peripatus is a connecting link between Annelida and Orthopoda. 

Ostrich is the biggest running bird..s nerve impulses from a synapse to the cell body.

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