History of economic Planning in India
M.Visvesvaraya authored a book Planned Economy for India , which was published in 1934, in his book he presented first blueprint of Indian Planning.
एम। विश्वावराय ने एक पुस्तक 'नियोजित अर्थव्यवस्था का लेखन किया, जिसे 1 9 34 में प्रकाशित किया गया था, उन्होंने अपनी पुस्तक में भारतीय योजना का पहला खाका प्रस्तुत किया।
Gandhian Plan (गांधी योजना)- It was formulated by Sriman Narayan in 1944.This plan focused on Agriculture.
People's plan was formulated by M.N Roy in 1945.
Sarvodaya plan was formulated by Jaiprakash Narayan in 1950.
Note- India adopted five year plan from USSR.
Planning Commission-
Set up- 15 March 1950.
It was a non constitutional body.
Ex-Officio Chairman - PM
Five Year Plans
First plan(1951 to 56)
It was based on Harrod-Damor model.
Plan focussed on Agriculture.
Community development programme was launched in 1952
1 9 52 में सामुदायिक विकास कार्यक्रम शुरू किया गया था
Emphasised technical, price stability, power and transport
Second plan(1956 to 61)
Also called Mahalanobis plan after its chief architect.
Its objective was rapid industrialisation.
इसका उद्देश्य तेजी से औद्योगीकरण था
Third plan(1961 to 66)
This plan is also called Gadgil Yojana.
The aim of this plane was to make economy independent .
इस योजना का उद्देश्य अर्थव्यवस्था को आत्मनिर्भर बनाना था।
Agriculture and industry both were on its priority.
The main reason of failure of this plane was Indo-China War
इस योजना की विफलता का मुख्य कारण भारत-चीन युद्ध था
Plan Holiday-From 1966-1967 to 1968-1969.
The miserable failure of the Third plan forced to declare “plan holiday”
During this period ,three separate plans were prepared.
इस अवधि के दौरान, तीन अलग योजनाएं तैयार की गईं।
Equal priority were given to agriculture .
कृषि को समान प्राथमिकता दी गई थी।
The main reason of plan Holiday was indo-pak war, lack of resources and increase
in price level.
योजना अवकाश का मुख्य कारण इंडो-पक युद्ध, संसाधनों की कमी और कीमत स्तर में वृद्धि थी.
Fourth plan(1969 to 74)
Main emphasis on agriculture's growth rate .
कृषि की विकास दर पर मुख्य जोर दिया गया ।
In the first two years with record production, last three years failure cause
of poor monsoon
Initiatives taken
Nationalisation of 14th Commercial Banks in 1969.
Nuclear test in Pokharan (Smiling Buddha) in 1974
Fifth From (1974 to78 ).
The fifth plan repaired and launched by D.D Dhar proposed to achieve two main
objectives viz removal of poverty(Garibi Hatao) and attainment of self reliance.
Top priority was given to agriculture ,followed by industry and mines.
The plan was terminated in 1978 (instead of 1979 ) when Janta government came
to the power.
Rolling plan(1978 to 80)
The Janata government plan is also called Rolling plan .
Sixth plan(1980 to 85).
Objectives: Increase in national income, modernisation of technology, ensuring
continuous decrease in poverty and unemployment, population control through
family planning etc.
Seventh plan(1985 to 90).
The seventh plan emphasized policies and programmes which aimed at rapid
growth in food grains production, increased employment opportunities and productivity
within the framework of basic tenants of planning.
It was a great success, the economy recorded 6% growth rate against the targeted
Annual plan
The eight five year plan could not take off due to fast changing political
situation at the centre.
Eighth plan(1992 to 97).
The eighth plan was postponed by two years because of political upheavals at the
Centre and it was launched after a worsening balance of payment position and
inflation during 1990-91.
The plan undertook various drastic policy measures to combat the bad economic
situation and to undertake an annual average growth of 5.6%.
Some of the main economic performance during eighth plan period were rapid
economic growth, high growth in exports and imports, improvement in trade and
current account deficit.
Ninth plan(1997 to 2002)
It was developed in the context of four important dimensions: quality of life,
generation of productive employment, a regional balance and self-reliance.
The recession in international economy was held responsible for the failure of
this plan.
Tenth plan (2002 to2007)
Its objectives included achieving the growth rate of 8%.
It was proposed to eradicate poverty level and unemployment and to double per
capita income.
Eleventh plan(2007 to 2012)
The approach to the 11th plant was towards faster and more Inclusive growth.
11 वीं योजना के लिए दृष्टिकोण तेजी से और अधिक समावेशी विकास की दिशा में था
M.Visvesvaraya authored a book Planned Economy for India , which was published in 1934, in his book he presented first blueprint of Indian Planning.
एम। विश्वावराय ने एक पुस्तक 'नियोजित अर्थव्यवस्था का लेखन किया, जिसे 1 9 34 में प्रकाशित किया गया था, उन्होंने अपनी पुस्तक में भारतीय योजना का पहला खाका प्रस्तुत किया।
Gandhian Plan (गांधी योजना)- It was formulated by Sriman Narayan in 1944.This plan focused on Agriculture.
People's plan was formulated by M.N Roy in 1945.
Sarvodaya plan was formulated by Jaiprakash Narayan in 1950.
Note- India adopted five year plan from USSR.
Planning Commission-
Set up- 15 March 1950.
It was a non constitutional body.
Ex-Officio Chairman - PM
Five Year Plans
First plan(1951 to 56)
It was based on Harrod-Damor model.
Plan focussed on Agriculture.
Community development programme was launched in 1952
1 9 52 में सामुदायिक विकास कार्यक्रम शुरू किया गया था
Emphasised technical, price stability, power and transport
Second plan(1956 to 61)
Also called Mahalanobis plan after its chief architect.
Its objective was rapid industrialisation.
इसका उद्देश्य तेजी से औद्योगीकरण था
Third plan(1961 to 66)
This plan is also called Gadgil Yojana.
इस योजना का उद्देश्य अर्थव्यवस्था को आत्मनिर्भर बनाना था।
Agriculture and industry both were on its priority.
The main reason of failure of this plane was Indo-China War
इस योजना की विफलता का मुख्य कारण भारत-चीन युद्ध था
The rupee was devaluated in june 1966 to little success as it soon turned out.Plan Holiday-From 1966-1967 to 1968-1969.
The miserable failure of the Third plan forced to declare “plan holiday”
तीसरी योजना की विफलता को देखते हुए "योजना अवकाश" घोषित करना पड़ा।
During this period ,three separate plans were prepared.
इस अवधि के दौरान, तीन अलग योजनाएं तैयार की गईं।
Equal priority were given to agriculture .
कृषि को समान प्राथमिकता दी गई थी।
The main reason of plan Holiday was indo-pak war, lack of resources and increase
in price level.
योजना अवकाश का मुख्य कारण इंडो-पक युद्ध, संसाधनों की कमी और कीमत स्तर में वृद्धि थी.
Fourth plan(1969 to 74)
Main emphasis on agriculture's growth rate .
कृषि की विकास दर पर मुख्य जोर दिया गया ।
In the first two years with record production, last three years failure cause
of poor monsoon
Initiatives taken
Nationalisation of 14th Commercial Banks in 1969.
Nuclear test in Pokharan (Smiling Buddha) in 1974
Fifth From (1974 to78 ).
The fifth plan repaired and launched by D.D Dhar proposed to achieve two main
objectives viz removal of poverty(Garibi Hatao) and attainment of self reliance.
Top priority was given to agriculture ,followed by industry and mines.
The plan was terminated in 1978 (instead of 1979 ) when Janta government came
to the power.
Rolling plan(1978 to 80)
The Janata government plan is also called Rolling plan .
Sixth plan(1980 to 85).
Objectives: Increase in national income, modernisation of technology, ensuring
continuous decrease in poverty and unemployment, population control through
family planning etc.
Seventh plan(1985 to 90).
The seventh plan emphasized policies and programmes which aimed at rapid
growth in food grains production, increased employment opportunities and productivity
within the framework of basic tenants of planning.
It was a great success, the economy recorded 6% growth rate against the targeted
Annual plan
The eight five year plan could not take off due to fast changing political
situation at the centre.
Eighth plan(1992 to 97).
The eighth plan was postponed by two years because of political upheavals at the
Centre and it was launched after a worsening balance of payment position and
inflation during 1990-91.
The plan undertook various drastic policy measures to combat the bad economic
situation and to undertake an annual average growth of 5.6%.
Some of the main economic performance during eighth plan period were rapid
economic growth, high growth in exports and imports, improvement in trade and
current account deficit.
Ninth plan(1997 to 2002)
It was developed in the context of four important dimensions: quality of life,
generation of productive employment, a regional balance and self-reliance.
The recession in international economy was held responsible for the failure of
this plan.
Tenth plan (2002 to2007)
Its objectives included achieving the growth rate of 8%.
It was proposed to eradicate poverty level and unemployment and to double per
capita income.
Eleventh plan(2007 to 2012)
The approach to the 11th plant was towards faster and more Inclusive growth.
11 वीं योजना के लिए दृष्टिकोण तेजी से और अधिक समावेशी विकास की दिशा में था
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