Tuesday 9 October 2018

SSC CGL -Science Questions 4 September 2016

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Q1.Green House Effect' means
1) Pollution in houses in tropical region
2) Prevention of ultra-violet radiation by the ozone layer
3) Trapping of solar energy due to atmospheric gases
4) Damage to green painted buildings

Explanation -

The greenhouse effect is the process by which radiation from a planet's atmosphere warms the planet's surface to a temperature above what it would be without its atmosphere.
Earth’s natural greenhouse effect is critical to supporting life. Human activities, mainly the burning of fossil fuels and clearing of forests, have strengthened the greenhouse effect and caused global warming.
By their percentage contribution to the greenhouse effect on Earth the four major gases are
·         water vapor, 36–70%
·         carbon dioxide, 9–26%
·         methane, 4–9%
·         ozone, 3–7%

Protocols on global warming

The Kyoto Protocol 

The Kyoto Protocol was adopted in KyotoJapan on 11 December 1997 and entered into force on 16 February 2005. 

There are currently 192 parties (Canada withdrew effective December 2012) to the Protocol.

The Kyoto Protocol is an international treaty which extends the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

The Kyoto Protocol applies to the six greenhouse gases -

1.Carbon dioxide (CO2), 
2.Methane (CH4)
3.Nitrous oxide (N2O), 
4.Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) 
5.Perfluorocarbons (PFCs) 
6.Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6).

Q.2 Addition of suitable impurities into semiconductor, is called
1) Doping
2) Mixing
3) Forming
4) Diluting

Explanation –

What is Doping ?
Intentionally introducing impurities into an extremely pure semiconductor to change its electrical properties.
Conductors -   conductor is an object or type of material that allows the flow of an electrical current in one or more directions. Materials made of metal are common electricalconductors.
very low values of resistivity, This low value allows them to easily pass an electrical.
Good examples conductors are generally metals such as Silver ,Copper, Aluminium etc.

Is Carbon conduct electricity because it is Non-Metal?

Ans- Carbon by its own  does not conduct electricity, but its allotrope graphite conducts electricity . This is because graphite has a “free” electron in its outer shell that allows it to conductsome electricity

Semiconductor Basics

They have electrical properties somewhere in the middle, between those of a “conductor” and an “insulator”. 
They are not good conductors nor good insulators (hence their name “semi”-conductors). They have very few “free electrons” because their atoms are closely grouped together in a crystalline pattern called a “crystal lattice” but electrons are still able to flow, but only under special conditions.
Examples - silicon (Si), germanium (Ge) and gallium arsenide (GaAs).

Silicon and Germanium are classed as intrinsic semiconductors, that is they are chemically pure, as the doped silicon is no longer pure.

Note-  Silicon is most commonly used semiconductor, it has four valence electrons in its outermost shell.


They are the exact opposite of conductors.

3.Kyoto Protocol is associated with
1) Species conservation
2) Climate change
3) Wetland Conservation
4) Medicinal plants

4.Meibomian glands are located in

1) Eye
2) Ear
3) Nose
4) Skin 

Explanation –

The Meibomian glands (often written with a small m, and also called tarsal glands) are a holocrine type of exocrine glands, at the rim of the eyelids inside the tarsal plate, responsible for the supply of meibum, an oily substance that prevents evaporation of the eye's tear film. Meibum prevents tear spillage onto the cheek, trapping tears between the oiled edge and the eyeball, and makes the closed lids airtight.
Brunner's glands (or duodenal glands).

The main function of these glands is to produce a mucus-rich alkaline secretion (containing bicarbonate) in order to:

·         protect the duodenum from the acidic content of chyme (which is introduced into the duodenum from the stomach)

·         provide an alkaline condition for the intestinal enzymes to be active, thus enabling absorption to take place
·         lubricate the intestinal walls

Sebaceous glands 

Sebaceous glands are microscopic exocrine glands in the skin that secrete an oily or waxy matter, called sebum.
In humans, they occur in the greatest number on the face and scalp, but also on all parts of the skin except the palms of the hands and soles of the feet.
Sebum, secreted by the sebaceous gland in humans, is primarily composed of triglycerides (≈41%), wax esters (≈26%), squalene (≈12%), and free fatty acids (≈16%).

5.Arsenic problem in India is primarily due to

1) Overexploitation of coal in Bihar and Bengal
2) Overexploitation of arsenopyrite in the hinterland
3) Overexploitation of ground water in the affected areas
4) Overexploitation of surface water in the affected areas

Arsenic contamination in groundwater in the Ganga- Brahmaputra fluvial plains in India and Padma-Meghna fluvial plains in Bangladesh and its consequences to the human health have been reported as one of the world’s biggest natural groundwater calamities to the mankind. In India, seven states namely- West Bengal, Jharkhand, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh in the flood plain of the Ganga River; Assam and Manipur in the flood plain of the Brahamaputra and Imphal rivers and Rajnandgaon village in Chhattisgarh state have so far been reported affected by Arsenic contamination in groundwater above the permissible limit of 10 µg/L.

6.Which of the following vitamins are water soluble?

1) Vit. A & Vit. B
2) Vit. B & Vit. C
3) Vit. C & Vit. D
4) Vit. A & Vit. K

The two different types of vitamins are fat-soluble vitamins and water-soluble vitamins. Fat-soluble vitamins — vitamins A, D, E and K — dissolve in fat before they are absorbed in the bloodstream to carry out their functions. Excesses of these vitamins are stored in the liver, and are not needed every day in the diet

7.Besides CO2, the other green house gas is

1) CH4
2) N2
3) Ar
4) O2

Sunday 7 October 2018

SSC CGL -Science Questions September 2016"

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1.A galvanometer can be converted to a voltmeter by connecting
1) a high resistance in parallel
a high resistance in series
3) a low resistance in series
4) a low resistance in parallel

2.Bee sting contains________________
An acidic liquid
2) a salt solution
3) an alkaline liquid
4) a corrosive liquid

In particular, bee stings are acidic, whereas wasp stings are alkaline, so the body's reaction to a bee sting may be very different than to that of a wasp sting.

What is wasp?

Vespula germanica Richard Bartz.jpg

3.The outer most layer of Sun is known as___________
1) Chromosphere
2) Photosphere
3) Radioactive zone

4.Highest percentage of carbon is found in which form of coal?
2) Bituminous
3) Peat
4) lignite
Image result for Anthracite
5.The xylem in plants are responsible for:
transport of water
2) transport of food
3) transport of amino acids
4) transport of oxygen
Image result for xylem
6.Which of the following bacterium causes crown gall disease in plants?
1) Bacillus thurigiensis
Agrobacterium tumefaciens
3) Pseudomonas fluorescens
4) None of these

  • Crown gallplant disease, caused by the bacterium Agrobacterium tumefaciens (synonym Rhizobium radiobacter).
 They include especially grape, members of the rose family (Rosaceae), shade and nut trees, many shrubs and vines, and perennialgarden plants. 

Symptoms include roundish rough-surfaced galls (woody tumourlike growths), several centimetres or more in diameter, usually at or near the soil line, on a graft site or bud union, or on roots and lower stems.

7.Eustachian Tube is located in which part of human body?
1) Nose
3) Eyes
4) Throat
Image result for Eustachian Tube
The eustachian tube is a canal that connects the middle ear to the nasopharynx,
 which consists of the upper throat and the back of the nasal cavity. It controls the pressure within the middle ear, making it equal with the air pressure outside the body.

8.Which part of the brain plays an important role in motor control?
2) Cerebrum
3) Medulla
4) Pons
The cerebellum is a region of the brain that plays an important role in motor control. It may also be involved in some cognitive functions such as attention and language, and in regulating fear and pleasure responses, but its movement-related functions are the most solidly established.

9.The frequency of direct current is _____________
2) 50 HZ
3) 60 HZ
4) 100 HZ

AC is an alternating, always changing current source. This means that the direction of the flow of current goes in both directions within the wire, not at the same time, at some frequency, like 60 Hz. DC is zero Hertz. So by said definition, it is what it is. Steady State DC has no frequency.

10.'Agronomy' is the practice of raising ______________
1) Plants and Animals
2) Crop plants
3) Agriculture
4) Fruit plants only

Agronomy is a branch of agricultural science that deals with the study of crops and the soils in which they grow. Agronomists work to develop methods that will improve the use of soil and increase the production of food and fiber crops.

Tuesday 2 October 2018

current affair- 01/10/20018

Image result for Gita Gopinath

  • International Monetary Funds appoints Gita Gopinath as new chief economist.

  • Rabindranath Tagore considered Gandhi as the “Mahatma”, the “Great Soul”.

  • Gandhi’s autobiography ---The Story of My Experiments with Truth.

  • Niwari will become the 52nd district of Madhya Pradesh, with effect from October 1. A proposal to this effect was cleared by the state Cabinet recently.

  • Zonal councils have been established by the Parliament to promote interstate cooperation and coordination. They are statutory bodies established under the States Reorganisation Act 1956 and not constitutional bodies. They are only deliberative and advisory bodies.

  • Chairman – The Union Home Minister is the Chairman of each of these Councils.

  • The president has given his asset to the Karnataka Good Samaritan and Medical Professional (Protection and Regulation during Emergency Situations) Bill, 2016.
  • With this, Karnataka has become the first state to give legal protection to good samaritans through a legislation amidst the rising incidents of accidental deaths in India, which saw 1,50,785 people getting killed in road accidents in 2016.

  • The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Government of lndia have signed a $150 Million Loan to finance continued improvements to road connectivity and efficiency of the International Trade Corridor in West Bengal and North-Eastern Region of lndia.

  • The Manila, Philippines-based Asian Development Bank (ADB) serves as the Secretariat for the SASEC member countries.

Monday 1 October 2018

IAS Mains – 2018: General Studies Paper – 4 ETHICS

NOTE- 10 Marks Questions Should be written in 150 words. and 20 Marks in 250 Words.

(a) State the three basic values, universal in nature, in the context of civil services and bring out their importance. 10

(b) Distinguish between “Code of ethics” and “Code of conduct” with suitable examples.

(a) What is mean by public interest? What are the principles and procedures to be followed by the civil servants in public interest?  10

(b) “The Right to Information Act is not all about citizens’ empowerment alone, it essentially redefines the concept of accountability. Discuss.  10

(a) What is mean by conflict of interest? Illustrate with examples, the difference between the actual and potential conflicts of interest. 10

(b) “In looking for people to hire, you look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence and energy. And if they do not have the first, the other two will kill you.” – Warren Buffett
What do you understand by this statement in the present-day scenario? Explain. 10

(a) “In doing a good thing, everything is permitted which is not prohibited expressly or by clear implication”. Examine the statement with suitable examples in the context of a public servant discharging his/her duties.  10

(b) With regard to the morality of actions, one view is that means is of paramount importance and the other view is that the ends justify the means. Which view do you think is more appropriate? Justify your answer.  10

(a) Suppose the Government of India is thinking of constructing a dam in a mountain valley bond by forests and inhabited by ethnic communities. What rational policy should it resort to in dealing with unforeseen contingencies  10

(b) Explain the process of resolving ethical dilemmas in Public Administration.  10

What do each of the following quotations mean to you in the present context?

(a) “The true rule, in determining to embrace, or reject anything, is not whether it has any evil in it; but whether it has more evil than good. There are few things wholly evil or wholly good. Almost everything, especially of governmental policy, is an inseparable compound of the two; so that our best judgement of the preponderance between them is continually demanded. ”Abraham Lincoln .10

(b) “Anger and intolerance are the enemies of correct understanding. “ _ Mahatma Gandhi . 10

(c) “Falsehood takes the place of truth when it results in unblemished common good.” _ Tirukkural 10

Section B (Case Study)

Q.7- Rakesh is a responsible district level officer, who enjoys the trust of his higher officials. Knowing his honesty, the government entrusted him with the responsibility of identifying the beneficiaries under a health care scheme meant for senior citizens.
The criteria to be a beneficiary are the following:
(a) 60 years of age or above.
(b) Belonging to a reserved community.
(c) Family income of less than 1 Lakh rupees per annum.
(d) Post-treatment prognosis is likely to be high to make a positive difference to the quality of life of the beneficiary.
One day, an old couple visited Rakesh’s office with their application. They have been the residents of a village in his district since their birth. The old man is diagnosed with a rare condition that causes obstruction in the large intestine. As a consequence, he has severe abdominal pain frequently that prevents him from doing any physical labour. The couple has no children to support them. The expert surgeon whom they contacted is willing to do the surgery without charging any fee. However, the couple will have to bear the cost of incidental charges, such as medicines, hospitalization, etc., to the tune of rupees one lakh. The couple fulfils all the criteria except criterion ‘b’. However, any financial aid would certainly make a significant difference in their quality of life.
How should Rakesh respond to the situation?  20

Q.8- As a senior officer in the Ministry, you have access to important policy decisions and upcoming big announcements such as road constructions projects before they are notified in the public domain. The Ministry is about to announce a mega road project for which the drawings are already in place. Sufficient care was taken by the planners to make use of the government land with the minimum land acquisition from private parties. Compensation rate for private parties was also finalized as per government rules. Care was also taken to minimize deforestation. Once the project is announced, it is expected that there will be a huge spurt in real estate prices in and around that area. Meanwhile, the Minister concerned insists that you realign the road in such a way that it comes closer to his 20 acres farmhouse. He also suggests that he would facilitate the purchase of a big plot of land in your wife name at the prevailing rate which is very nominal, in and around the proposed mega road project. He also tries to convince you by saying that there is no harm in it as he is buying the land legally. He even promises to supplement your savings in case you do not have sufficient funds to buy the land. However, by the act of realignment, a lot of agricultural lands has to be acquired, thereby causing a considerable financial burden on the government, and also the displacement of the farmers. As if this is not enough, it will involve cutting down of a large number of trees denuding the area of its green cover.
Faced with this situation, what will you do? Critically examine various conflicts of interest and explain what your responsibilities are as a public servant. 20

Q.9-It is a State where prohibition is in force. You are recently appointed as the Superintendent of Police of a district notorious for illicit distillation of liquor. The illicit liquor leads to many death, reported and unreported, and causes a major problem for the district authorities.
The approach till now had been to view it as a law and order problem and tackle it accordingly. Raids, arrest, police cases, and criminal trials – all these had only limited impact. The problem remains as serious as ever.
Your inspections show that the parts of the district where the distillation flourishes are economically, industrially and educationally backward. Agriculture is badly affected by poor irrigation facilities. Frequent clashes among communities gave boost to illicit distillation. No major initiatives had taken place in the past either from the government’s side or from social organizations to improve the lot of the people.
Which new approach will you adopt to bring the problem under control?  20

Q.10- a big corporate house is engaged in manufacturing industrial chemicals on a large scale. It proposes to set upon the additional unit. Many states rejected its proposal due to the detrimental effect on the environment. But one state government acceded to the request and permitted the unit close to a city, brushing aside all opposition.
The unit was set up 10 years ago and was in full swing till recently. The pollution caused by the industrial effluents was affecting the land, water and crops in the area. It was also causing serious health problems to human beings and animals. This gave rise to a series of agitation thousands of people took part, creating a law and order problem necessitating stern police action. Following the public outcry, the State government ordered the closure of the factory.
The closure of the factory resulted in the unemployment of not only those workers who were engaged in the factory but also those who were working in the ancillary units. It also very badly affected those industry which depended on the chemicals manufactured by it.
As a senior officer entrusted with the responsibility of handling this issues, how are you going to address it? 20

Q.11- Dr X is a leading medical practitioner in a city. He has set up a charitable trust through which he plans to establish a super-speciality hospital in the city to cater to the medical needs of all sections of the society. Incidentally, that part of the State had been neglected over the years. The proposed hospital would be a boon for the region.
You are heading the tax investigation agency of that region. During an inspection of the doctor’s clinic, your officers have found out some major irregularities. A few of them are substantial which had resulted in considerable withholding of tax that should be paid by him now. The doctor is cooperative. He undertakes to pay the tax immediately.
However, there are certain other deficiencies in his tax compliance which are purely technical in nature. If these technical defaults are pursued by the agency, considerable time and energy of the doctor will be diverted to issues which are not so serious, urgent or even helpful to the tax collection process. Further, in all probability, it will hamper the prospects of the hospital coming up.
There are two options before you:
1) Taking a broader view, ensure substantial tax compliance and ignore defaults that are merely technical in nature.
2) Pursue the matter strictly and proceed on all fronts,whether substantial or merely technical.
As the head of the tax agency, which course of action will you opt and why?  20

Q.12- Edward Snowden, a computer expert and former CIA administrator, released confidential Government documents to the press about the existence of Government surveillance programmes. According to many legal experts and the US Government, his action violated the Espionage act of 1971, which identified the leak of State secret as an act of treason. Yet, despite the fact that he broke the law, Snowden argued that he had a moral obligation to act. He gave a justification for his “whistle blowing” by stating that he had a duty “to inform the public as to that which is done in there name and that which is done against them.”
According to Snowden, the Government’s violation of privacy had to be exposed regardless of legality since more substantive issues of social action and public morality were involved here. Many agreed with Snowden. Few argued that he broke the law and compromised national security, for which he should be held accountable.
Do you agree that Snowden’s actions were ethically justified even if legally prohibited? Why or why not? Make an argument by weighing the competing values in this case . 20