Monday 14 March 2016

Indus valley civilization (सिंधु घाटी सभ्यता )

In which era did man not cite any written description of the events, it is called prehistoric time. History is called the period of human development, whose details are available in written form. 

Early historical times are called periods in which the available articles can not be read after the 
practice of writing art.
-> आद्य ऐतिहासिक काल उस काल को कहते हैं जिस काल में लेखन कला के प्रचलन के बाद उपलब्ध लेख पढ़े 
 नहीं जा सके हैं ।

The predominant base of human life of pre-stone age was prey. The invention of the
 fire is done throughout the Stone Age and the wheel is in your Neolithic period.

-पूर्व पाषाण युग के मानव की जीविका का मुख्य आधार शिकार था। आग का आविष्कार पूर्व पाषाण काल में एवं पहिए का आपका नवपाषाण Neolithic  काल में हुआ ।

 मनुष्य ने सर्वप्रथम तांबा धातु का प्रयोग किया तथा उसके द्वारा बनाया जाने वाला प्रथम औजार कुल्हाड़ी (प्राप्ति स्थल अतिरम्पक्कम) था ।
Robert Bruce Foot was the first person who invented the geospatial tool in India in 1863 AD.
राबर्ट ब्रूस फुट पहले व्यक्ति थे जिन्होंने 1863 ईस्वी में भारत में पुरापाषाण कालीन औजारों की खोज की।
father of indian archaeology- Alexander Cunningham
The oldest known agricultural settlements in Indian sub- continent is Mehargarh.

Hathnora Evience  Found near 
Hoshangabad in MP.

Domestication of animals was started in Mesolithic age.

In India evidence of domestication have found at adamgarh(Hosangabad) and Bagor(bhelbada, Rajasthan).

In India the first human evidence is found on the bank of river Narmada.

Human skeleton with the skeleton of dog have been found at burjhom in J&K.

Human first used barley.

Indus valley civilization
Image result for indus valley civilization

·         By – Carbon dating -  Date – (2350 to 1750)

·         By – Marshal (3250 to 2750).

·         It is also called Harappan civilization because Harappa site was discovered in very first time.

·         Indus valley civilisation was Bronze civilization.

·         Humans firstly used Copper metal.

·         It was the first urban civilization of Indian subcontinent. It belongs to proto-historic era.

·         The Indus people were first to produce cotton ,hence Greeks called the area Sindon which is derived from sindh.

·         Although the harappan practised Agriculture, animal were raised on a large scale. Oxen , buffaloes, goats, sheep, and pig were domesticated

·         Nearly 2800 Harappan sites have been discovered in the subcontinent.

·          The harappan invented the art of writing like the people of ancient Mesopotamia. Although the earliest specimen of the harappan script was discovered in 1853 and the complete script in 1923.

Some major towns of Harappan civilization –

·         Harappa.
·         Mohenjo-daro.
·         Chanhu-daro.
·         Lothal.
·         Kalibanga.
·         Banawali.
·         Dholaveera.
·         Rakhigarhi.

Harappa –

It was discovered by Dayaram sahani in 1921.

Harappa is located near the left  bank of river ravi in Punjab Pakistan.

Evidence of R-37 graveyard found.

A statue has been found from here that is assumed to be the statue of Natraj.

Mohenjo-daro - 

In sindhi language mohenjo-daro means mounds of dead.

Mohenjo-daro was discovered by R.D. banerjee in 1922.

Mohenjo-daro is located on the (दायां) right  bank of river Indus in larkana district of Pakistan.

A pasupati seal has been found from here.

Evidence of great bath has been found from here , probably it has abulation purpose.Image result for indus valley civilization
Depth : 2.43 met.
Breadth : 7.01 met.
Length :11.88 met.

Evidence of grain house .

It was the largest building of Indus valley civilisation. (I.V.C.).

Evidence of cotton piece.

 A bronze statue of Dancing girl is found from here.

Evidence of broken statue of priest .

Some scholar considered Harappa and Mohenjo-daro as a twin capitals.

Chanhudaro –

Located in sindh Pakistan.

Discovered by N.G. majumdar in 1931 and was later excavated on large scale by Mackay in 1935-1935.

A bead making factory was found from here.

Some other factories like seal, toys etc.

It is believed that the sarasvati river used to flow near this site.

Lothal –

 Discovered by S.R. Rao.

Located on the bank of river of Bhogwa in Ahmadabad city of Gujrat.

The Evidence of rice.

The evidence of Dockyard.

Banawali –

Discovered by R.S. Bisht.
Located in Hissar in Haryana.
A substantial quality of barely was found.
A clay plough toy, citadel, 12 horned tiger seal have been found from here.

Kalibanga –

Literally means Black bangles of copper.

Discovered by Amal anand gosh in 1953.

Located on the bank of river ghaggar in rajasthan.

Evidence of 7 fire altar .

Evidence of plough field.

Evidence of bones of camel.

Dholavira –

Discovered by J.P. Joshi.

Located in gujrat.

Evidence of Tank was found probably used as same purpose in Mohenjo-daro.

Rakhigarhi –

It is situated in Haryana.

Kunal –

A silver crown has been found . 

Note- Harappan site showing evidence of two cultural phases, Harappan and pre-Harappan, is kalibanga.

कालीबंगा हड़प्पा स्थल है जो  दो सांस्कृतिक चरणों, हड़प्पाण और पूर्व-हड़प्पा के साक्ष्य को
 दर्शाता है 
The Indus Valley people knew the
 use of Gold, silver, copper, bronze but not iron
The main characteristics of the Indus Valley Civilization was Town Planning and Drainage System.
Silver were imported to Indus cities from  Afghanistan and Iran.
Rakhigarhi has replaced Mohenjo-Daro as the largest Harappan civilisation site.
The Harappan civilisation belongs to Chalcolithic age.
We got the evidence of horse remains from Surkotada. but its widespread use is doubt full. Indus people was not aware with Iron.
No evidence of temple have been found from harappan civilisation.
Generally Dead bodies were rested in North-South direction, with head towards South and feet towards North.(आमतौर पर उत्तर-दक्षिण दिशा में मृत शरीर को रखा जाता था, दक्षिण की ओर सिर और उत्तर की ओर पैर थे)
People believed in life after death (लोग मौत के बाद जीवन में विश्वास करते थे.)
Harappans had external trade relations with Mesopotamian civilisation.

Vedic civilization:

Rig veda-

Rig veda-

It contains 1028 hymns.

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